Monday, January 16, 2012

On Top

If you've ever been taken in by the glitz and opportunity found in the business model known as multi-level marketing, MLM, you're not alone; the following will make a bit more sense to you.

Those I've looked at, the MLM company promises freedom, travel, meeting people and lots and lots of material wealth.  Personal belief in the product line and the motivation to show it to everyone you meet is the gist of what you need to do to springboard yourself into superstardom and great wealth. 

In addition to a good product line, one is assisted by high tech marketing materials and best of all, the support of those in the business whom are already quite successful themselves.  One sits down with a friend, pops in a DVD, and then watch together as people get in and out of Bentleys, helicopters, luxury yachts on their way to magnificent estates, ranches, beach houses filled with the finest furniture, largest TV sets, and other things that tug so mightily at one's hedonistic sensibilities.   

I can remember getting excited about being able to select the song that would be played for me, Cold Play's Viva la Vida, when I would make my way to the front of the conference auditorium, on the shoulders of my team of course, to accept 'the crown' of one of my company's top positions: Regional Vice President (RVP).

I confess that I never succeeded in obtaining the magnificent wealth or status portrayed in the DVDs, through MLM, commission sales, or any other self employment opportunity that I have pursued even with the greatest of gusto, ambition, and work habits.  Instead, just another lesson learned, cumulating with others, until finally, they all proclaimed in unison the truth I needed to hear: ...the world with its seductions is passing away but the man who does God's will endures forever. (1 John 2:17)

Wow!  Rediscovering the gift of God's grace has given me a fresh new perspective, a joyful invigoration, and the vision to see.  Far from a life of second best, I can still utilize all the good things that I enjoyed in the MLM business model and come out on top:

  • I bring glory to the Kingdom of God as I help souls convert/revert into the faith through Jesus Christ, and
  • I live joy and peace now and a heavenly destination, eternal salvation later.

This 'opportunity' has already been purchased for me at a great price (1 Corinthians 6:20). There are no products to buy or startup opportunity kits to invest in.  This is not my own doing, it is God's gift: and from his fullness have we all received, grace upon grace (John 1:16).

Best of all, as a baptized and confirmed Catholic, I start at the highest, noblest position of all.*Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, Pope Paul VI, Second Vatican Council on November 21, 1964.

According to Lumen Gentium, the Church, in its twofold ministry toward its own members and toward those outside, shares in Jesus’ threefold office of Priest, Prophet & King (PPK), that is, it participates in Jesus’ ministry to sanctify, to teach and to govern (see 10-13).

  • "While bishops, priests and deacons exercise, within the Church, the ministries of sanctifying, teaching and governing through the power and authority bestowed upon them at their sacramental ordination, all Catholic lay men and women also share in this threefold ministry of Christ. Catholic lay men and women, by their baptismal and confirmational character, are empowered, in Christ through the Holy Spirit, to be priests, prophets and kings and so come to share in the Church’s ministry of sanctification, teaching and governing." (emphasis added)-The Catholic Laity: Priests, Prophets, and Kings

Here's the good news for me and all other Catholic faithful.

We've been empowered, in Christ through the Holy Spirit, to the top position of our vocation, PPK, and so play our song now; rejoice, rejoice we have seen the star and rejoice with exceedingly great joy! (Matthew 2:9-10)

To All the King's Men

Remembering Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. today and all other men, women, and children of truth inspired by his writings and deeds.

Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and his mighty power.  Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil.  Our battle is not against human forces but against the principalities and powers, the rulers of this world of darkness, the evil spirits in regions above.  You must put on the armor of God if you are to resist on the evil day; do all that your duty requires, and hold your ground.  Stand fast, with the truth as the belt around your waist, justice as your breastplate, and zeal to propagate the gospel of peace as your footgear.  In all circumstances hold faith up before you as your shield; it will help you extinguish the fiery darts of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, the word of God.  EPHESIANS 6:10-17

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Shed Sessions

A few weeks ago, while listening to the Catholic Business Hour hosted by Dick Lyles, the host mentioned how he had actively conditioned himself over time to react to the sound of a siren while driving.   He simply pulls over now without having to give it any thought.   What used to be a deliberate 'active participation' has now become a conditioned, well rehearsed response.  The siren causes a different reaction when he's in the office and hears it; no response at all, the siren is ignored.

He went on to say, in the same way, one can actively participate in spiritual activities so as to condition oneself against attacks of temptation and other evil persuasions, slight as they might be, unobvious as they might me, often just subtle suggestions.  If you require further evidence or convincing regarding the evil the host is talking about, I suggest that you pick-up a copy of the book "Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis.  

The great deceiver is always at work, often in ways that are not so apparent either.

As Catholics we have great recourse to 'active participation' through Jesus Christ, his church, and the communion of saints:

  1. Daily prayer, spiritual reading, and acts of mortification such as fasting or denying oneself some other creature comfort; that's 'active participation' conditioning oneself against that which separates us from God, namely sin.
  2. Attending a Catholic mass.  Standing, sitting, kneeling, hand motions, bell ringing, reading, listening, tasting, chewing, drinking, singing, praying, greeting others; that's 'active participation' allowing a real, physical manifestation of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit into one's life. 
  3. Reciting a Rosary.  Out loud with a partner or silent and alone, with or without feeling , persevering none-the-less through the 15 to 20 minutes that it takes to complete the prayer; that's 'active participation' creating greater calm, understanding, and hope during difficulties or times of suffering.

My brother Marc Geraci and I would get together twice a week for a shed session, a jam session in a rented storage unit where we could play music for several hours at a time.  We were perfecting and honing our rhythm and timing skills, trading beats, practicing dynamics (the lowering and raising of our instrument volume), and then going through our set lists and working out our parts.  That's 'active participation' now for the conditioned response of putting on a great, well rehearsed show later on.

The "Shed"

Conditioning ourselves through our own 'active participation' in the one Body of Christ, his church, allows us an effective, tried and true way of conquering our sins now, reversing the damaging habits of vice now, and replacing sin now with acts of virtue and holiness, keeping the evil one and his minions at bay, so that we may more closely unite to the one true God.

For God So Loved the World........

It was Denver versus New England, January 14, 2012, during a commercial break, I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming, the following broadcast over American airwaves:

Monday, January 9, 2012

Surely You're Joking

Some time during 1996, while attending Austin Community College, a physics professor of mine recommended the book, Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman! to the class.  Impressed by the recommendation and review, I read it.  Here was a Nobel prize winning physicist, a noted professor, and a hand drummer.   Mr. Feynman seemed to be having all kinds of fun and he enjoyed immense popularity with his students and the staff.  

Having just finished this book, I felt redeemed and liberated.  If an intellectual  of Feynman's status and character could get away with having so much fun on the hand drums so could I, even if I had already decided to study and become an engineer.  

Wait, I'll back up for a moment.  In case you've been following the timeline of the blog:

  • 1992-1993, Ken, Daniel, and Marc Geraci went off to form a new band called Restless Native.
  •  Fall 1994, Gary Geraci, age 30, enrolled back in community college
    • not really sure however of what to major in. 
  • 1994-1995, Restless Native members split
    • Ken and Daniel Geraci  join/form the band Midnight Sons and
    • played a performance at Rock Island in San Antonio and
    • performed a show at Raul's Reunion in Austin, TX, 
      • Gary Geraci mixed sound for the band.
    • Gary Geraci receives a US Patent and declares civil engineering as his course of study.
  • 1996, Ken, Daniel, and Gary Geraci, all three at once, find themselves working in computer sales at Austin Direct/Austin Computers (remember Scottie , the Star Trek engineer (James Doohan);  for a short time, he was the commercial spokesman for  the soon to fail Austin Computers).
    • Gary Geraci begins attending UT Austin, College of Civil Engineering

Though I had sold all of my music equipment relating to guitar playing by then, I had not completely given up on music - in fact, music never leaves you,  even though you may leave it. 

During October 2006 I took a big leap and purchased my first set of Toca congas.  I began to teach myself to play by following the instruction and lessons provided in hand drumming books and videos.   By June of the following year I was confident enough to answer and ad for private conga lessons and call famed Austin percussionist and founder of One World Theatre, Mr. Hart Stearns.  

After a few lessons, Mr. Stearns was kind enough to offer me a performance opportunity, with other hand drummers playing together, on the stage of his new theatre.  Surely you're joking! I think it was for a charitable event for children, but I declined, terrified of course.