Monday, January 16, 2012

On Top

If you've ever been taken in by the glitz and opportunity found in the business model known as multi-level marketing, MLM, you're not alone; the following will make a bit more sense to you.

Those I've looked at, the MLM company promises freedom, travel, meeting people and lots and lots of material wealth.  Personal belief in the product line and the motivation to show it to everyone you meet is the gist of what you need to do to springboard yourself into superstardom and great wealth. 

In addition to a good product line, one is assisted by high tech marketing materials and best of all, the support of those in the business whom are already quite successful themselves.  One sits down with a friend, pops in a DVD, and then watch together as people get in and out of Bentleys, helicopters, luxury yachts on their way to magnificent estates, ranches, beach houses filled with the finest furniture, largest TV sets, and other things that tug so mightily at one's hedonistic sensibilities.   

I can remember getting excited about being able to select the song that would be played for me, Cold Play's Viva la Vida, when I would make my way to the front of the conference auditorium, on the shoulders of my team of course, to accept 'the crown' of one of my company's top positions: Regional Vice President (RVP).

I confess that I never succeeded in obtaining the magnificent wealth or status portrayed in the DVDs, through MLM, commission sales, or any other self employment opportunity that I have pursued even with the greatest of gusto, ambition, and work habits.  Instead, just another lesson learned, cumulating with others, until finally, they all proclaimed in unison the truth I needed to hear: ...the world with its seductions is passing away but the man who does God's will endures forever. (1 John 2:17)

Wow!  Rediscovering the gift of God's grace has given me a fresh new perspective, a joyful invigoration, and the vision to see.  Far from a life of second best, I can still utilize all the good things that I enjoyed in the MLM business model and come out on top:

  • I bring glory to the Kingdom of God as I help souls convert/revert into the faith through Jesus Christ, and
  • I live joy and peace now and a heavenly destination, eternal salvation later.

This 'opportunity' has already been purchased for me at a great price (1 Corinthians 6:20). There are no products to buy or startup opportunity kits to invest in.  This is not my own doing, it is God's gift: and from his fullness have we all received, grace upon grace (John 1:16).

Best of all, as a baptized and confirmed Catholic, I start at the highest, noblest position of all.*Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, Pope Paul VI, Second Vatican Council on November 21, 1964.

According to Lumen Gentium, the Church, in its twofold ministry toward its own members and toward those outside, shares in Jesus’ threefold office of Priest, Prophet & King (PPK), that is, it participates in Jesus’ ministry to sanctify, to teach and to govern (see 10-13).

  • "While bishops, priests and deacons exercise, within the Church, the ministries of sanctifying, teaching and governing through the power and authority bestowed upon them at their sacramental ordination, all Catholic lay men and women also share in this threefold ministry of Christ. Catholic lay men and women, by their baptismal and confirmational character, are empowered, in Christ through the Holy Spirit, to be priests, prophets and kings and so come to share in the Church’s ministry of sanctification, teaching and governing." (emphasis added)-The Catholic Laity: Priests, Prophets, and Kings

Here's the good news for me and all other Catholic faithful.

We've been empowered, in Christ through the Holy Spirit, to the top position of our vocation, PPK, and so play our song now; rejoice, rejoice we have seen the star and rejoice with exceedingly great joy! (Matthew 2:9-10)

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