Friday, July 5, 2024

Aha Ka Paingun? (Ahhah kah pah een woone)


Aha ka paingun?

Sins like lead, hell’s my doom,

Aha ka paingun?

Eternal reparations loom,

Aha ka paingun?

Boxed in, four walls, dank room,

Aha ka paingun?

Putrid, and full of gloom,

Aha ka paingun?

They’ll spit and spat on my tomb,

Aha ka paingun?

When the noose tightens and consumes

Aha ka paingun?

This gross life brought forth from a mother’s womb.

Aha ka paingun?

Quick, bring me the Bridegroom!

Aha ka paingun?

The life I led, lies and fumes

Aha ka paingun?

Of smoke and wayward tunes,

Aha ka paingun?

Manmade idols, costumes!

Aha ka paingun?

Once baptized, may I assume?

Aha ka paingun?

Your Mercy? God’s Mercy I presume!

Aha ka paingun?

My Catholic faith! I resume…

Aha ka paingun?

Lord, after death, shall I bloom?

Gary Edward Geraci

1 comment:

  1. Aha ka paingun? is Cebuano for “Where are you going?” Cebuano is the language of my wife’s native homeland in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines. It is because of my wife that I reverted back to the Catholic faith, founded on Jesus Christ and through His great mercy, saved my soul. The Philippines is a predominantly, Catholic country. The Jesuits have played a dominant role in the Catholic conversions of the Philippines since the 15th century.

    “Jesuits in the Philippines [Society of Jesus] are Servants of Christ’s Mission, especially at the frontiers. They carry out in the Philippines the general mission of the Society of Jesus worldwide, namely, (1) the proclamation of the Faith, (2) the promotion of the Justice that that Faith implies, (3) sensitivity to culture and inculturation, and (4) inter-religious dialogue – all Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam – unto the greater glory of God.” Excerpt courtesy Philippine Province of the Society of Jesus,are%20commonly%20known%20as%20Jesuits.

    Shortly before his death by public hanging (April 16, 1947), Rodolf Höss, the Commander of the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp, confessed his sins to a Catholic priest and received absolution during the Sacrament of Reconciliation and then Holy Communion as Viaticum. “On 10 April 1947, he received the sacrament of penance from Fr. Władysław Lohn, S.J., provincial of the Polish Province of the Society of Jesus. On the next day, the same priest administered to him Holy Communion as Viaticum. On 16 April 1947, Höss was hanged.” Excerpt courtesy Rudolf Höss - Wikipedia.

    God’s mercy extends to even the worst of sinners - approach Him and offer Him your sins and in return, no matter how great the sin(s), you too will receive His unsurpassable Mercy!
