Monday, May 28, 2012

9. Iowa

(Original Blog Text Posted in 2007 by Gary E. Geraci, hyperlinks added this posting - Actual names and addresses redacted by author, May 2012.  Where indicated, all dates and case numbers are authentic and can be retrieved under Federal Open Records law.)

Music courses through my body, blood, and soul.  Music is the salve, the spirit which animates my mind, body, and soul.  Greater than any other singular force, refreshing, sustaining, pushing, and motivating, I have elicited a lifetime of benefits from all that is musical.  I am in deep gratitude for such divine gift.   Inspiration drawn from music has sustained my spirit during the deepest, darkest hours especially when staring down seemingly insurmountable adversity.

During my approximate year long legal battle against Mortgage Bank WF, I can define a particular genre of music that dominated my world: hard rock. 

One band in particular, Slipknot, produced a double live album called “9.0. Live.”   This work single handedly accompanied and sustained my soul during the countless hours consumed researching law and writing legal documents and briefs.  The spectacle of the live show this album memorialized, a stage full of musicians and performers, identities concealed in horrid, goulish, zombie like dress, simply blew me away.  I found the front man’s attitude and explicit commentary between songs regarding his stand against corporate record labels to be immensely satisfying, especially when introducing the album’s platinum status to his cheering audience.  I played this album over and over again, day after day, and at high volume levels. 

Normally a “riff” rather than a “lyric” man, the line “I fight for the ones who can’t fight” in the song “Pulse of the Maggots” resonated with particular clarity and meaning during this period.  Further, I could relate the sheer, unrelenting pain in the singer’s repeated scream “SHE ISN’T REAL, I CAN’T MAKE HER REAL” in the song “Vermillion” to indignation borne by a judicial system not capable of administering justice for all.  

Ironically, Mortgage Bank WF, N.A., the division strategically placed in the front and center of the battle by Mortgage Bank WF legal counsel, is headquartered in none-other than Des Moines, Iowa, the same location the band Slipknot calls home!

I declare my gratitude to the people of Des Moines, Iowa, to the band Slipknot, and to the city’s burgeoning creative class!  

Saturday, May 5, 2012

8. Taking A Stand

 (Original Blog Text, "FBI Tips and Public Leads," Posted in 2008 by Gary E. Geraci, hyperlinks added this posting - Actual names and addresses redacted by author, May 2012.  Where indicated, all dates and case numbers are authentic and can be retrieved under Federal Open Records law.)

The following is the word-for-word transcription of an admission I made to the FBI on or around 6/15/2006 via the site  No one from the FBI ever followed up.

"Please have a member of Supervising Special Residential Agent, Mr. P. N. staff call Mr. Gary Geraci regarding the PMC 2006 conference Mr. N. recently attended.

Several members in attendance should be of particular interests to your continuing investigation against rising mortgage fraud.  We hope this is why you had an agent at the recent conference.

While trumpeting the accolades of the newest mortgage industry software: expediting turn time origination to close, ridding the process of human biases, the inherent ability to prevent fraud, etc., these very developers and alliance partners your agent encountered at the conference, have developed a private, password protected network where they run an operation called a “Collateral Management System,” or CMS.

Based on alliance partners’ own admissions, the operation, through its alliance partnership agreements, should now consist of a controlling market share of the country’s entire mortgage sector.  Go to your Internet research and follow the company “XXX” and “XXX XXX” to start.  Mr. R’s XXX is the organization behind the CMS and the new, fast, broadband width “Smart Pipes.”  Realize this alliance encompasses not only a controlling share of the country’s collateral valuation consumers such as the national lenders, but also a commanding share of the varying service providers all vying to stay in good grace with such powerful aggregation of “mortgage service” consumers.  These service providers are professions such as appraisers, inspectors, title companies, credit agencies, etc.

My own investigation, focusing solely on the appraisal side of collateral valuation, is now in proceedings before the Secretary of Treasury, Case NO: 2006-SOX-000091.  The Sarbanes-Oxley forum is appropriate because of the tie-in the appraiser has to the collateral valuation process for Mortgage Backed Security instruments our country trades globally.  The pleadings presented reveal substantive evidence laying the framework for an oligopsony like alliance, its synergies, and its creation of boutique, software applications, particularly in the area of Loan Origination Systems or LOS applications.  The evidence collected, in appearance alone, circumstantially suggests an illegal avenue for appraiser blacklisting.  Furthermore, and most troubling to me, are appraiser selection capabilities based on irregular, “performance comparison” reports a loan officer can do in her LOS to isolate and reward top performing appraisers based on individual dollar contributions to the lender’s overall, closed loan dollar volumes.  These capabilities are in clear violation of banking laws such as promulgated under FIRREA.  The alliance becomes illegal and anticompetitive when it leverages such size and weight to design products and private, password protected communication networks to collectively wrestle away control of the service provider section charged with the “unbiased” analysis of collateral quality.  The economic harm against our nation has historically been severe under such “control frauds.”

It is clever that such alliance would try to keep “its enemy close” in inviting members of your office and the Comptroller of Currency’s office to such an event.  However, I hope I have piqued enough interest with my tip and pledge full cooperation should a forthcoming investigation be warranted."

Gary Geraci
Appraiser and Graduate Engineer