Saturday, June 23, 2018

A Monk’s Tale Stanza

Poor pesky armadillo,
Pitted and pined against my wit.
Rock blocks she passes - plain vanilla!
And scented spray is a lame repellant.
Ants and grubs, her main feast,
Poor pests she rids in holes and mounds.
At my wits’ end I’m forced to say it:
“Prays Saint Francis - I grant you your bounds.”

- Gary Edward Geraci

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Cultural Cry of the U.S. Nonreligious Spiritualist

“we have replaced the
‘god of revelation’ with:

- Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Gehenna Gone By

Sin to lead she wills to seduce,
The nuptials we made, to reduce.
I’ve seen couples hurt and pained,
So as to absolve now, to refrain.

To live with the thick and the thin,
To declare now that I’m all in.
The rational, not a flickering flame,
Here today, gone tomorrow, it’s all the same.

True, the temptations are great,
The devil whispers full of hate.
But with an army of chaste saints...
A prayer life not for the faint...

My own soul bolstered by grace...
Friends and family are saved from disgrace.
You’re young, kind, your beauty aglow,
Know this my dear, my resolve is “No.”

- Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Shouting For Joy!

Speed surfing YouTube videos-
Cute, quaint, and fun:
Dog funnies, cats, and bare birdies-
Dad. Mom. Boys and girls, and babies-
A bout of latin percussion
And lessons about fine cooking-
Friends singing before the Blessed One.
Much rejoicing
Through Christ Your Son!

- Gary Edward Geraci

I’ve Had It All

I’ve seen the world
I’ve seen it all
It’s underbelly
Everywhere I go

I’ve had it all
All that money buys
Everything to include
This noose;
The use of which
I will use to end it all.

-Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, June 2, 2018


What stirs beyond the vow
Each man must learn this now:
She’s Eve.
Gifts we receive.

Be married or a priest-
Invited to a feast.
One spouse
To build our house.
Though others will tempt us-
Our roof is beam and truss.
Take guard
Baal cues his card-
Let’s focus on the good-
And slay him where he stood.
Passions overpriced,
Our highest aim is Christ.

- Gary Edward Geraci

Tanka Time

Time too: created
Philosophy: outside time
Science: inside time
God IS: beyond time
Two tools relative to time  
- Gary Edward Geraci