Saturday, February 24, 2024

Fame Adoring


Fame adoring

Tempted to seek my own glory

Fame adoring

Blindfolded and barred from seeing

What sits in the sanctuary

What hides in the feretory

Fame adoring

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Most Blessed Cursing


Dumb nature could not recognize 

The Christ; the fig tree did not,

In an instant, change seasons,

And bear fruit for the Lord’s craving.

Now the Creator Of All, 

Demonstrating His Sovereignty 

Over all things, forever changes

The unfortunate fig’s fate.

At once rendering the fig

Evermore unfruitful, in fact, 

Leaving it withered and dead,

The Son of God teaches mankind the 

Power of prayer and faith in God:

‘Whatever he says will be done.’

Gary Edward Geraci

“Have faith in God. Amen I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Arise, and hurl thyself into the sea,’ and does not waiver in his heart, but believes that whatever he says will be done, it should be done for him.” Mark 11:23-24

Friday, February 9, 2024

Must Be Heavenly

heard the testimony 

of a near death experience 

on TV. She said she 

was among sweet souls who

really, REALLY liked her. in 

contrast, with earthly life, 

she always felt diff’rent, 

shunned, and hardly liked at all. 

forget love for a sec, 

will the heavenly souls, 

really like me? I hope so. 

in faith, I’d like to see

it so: “Lord and Savior,

(not as one, especially 

cool, hippie, love guru),

I think there are enough 

NDEs that at least a 

few of them must be true,

I’m done idolizing 

all the faults and sins of my 

life; the actions of a 

lad acting more like an

animal; not the loving soul 

I’m created to be!”

imagine the one you 

perceive as being least liked;

annoying, aloof, but 

here in the afterlife, 

souls are fast flocking to him, 

genuinely liking 

him, all to his delight, 

your delight, and even more 

your delight when you take 

a corner and you meet

another group; souls relishing, 

All for the likes of you!

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Gerasene Swine


Would demons still be

Harassed by humanity.

Many mangy fiends

Are comfortably covert 

In a world now free of sin.

Gary Edward Geraci