Saturday, February 23, 2019

Tripping over J.S. Bach’s “Fantasia & Fugue in G Minor” (III)

terribly beautiful tears welling
eyes and chest heaving in 
and out I tremble to write 
something anything even one 
word, damn it, shaken and shook 
my head shaking words can’t describe 
this no .... NO .... nothing at all
I gasp enraptured

-Gary Edward Geraci 

Becoming Great

Serve one another
Greatness is serving others
Be the slave of all

Mark 10:43-45

-Gary Edward Geraci

Radical Adventure

lots of people
are being called

a vocation
right now but they’re

on vacation
“I want to play

and sleep” they say
to the Lord God

-Gary Edward Geraci

Worldly Spells

In Memory of “Baby Boy A”

Iced hard eyes encased by crystal ice shells,
Eyeless groveling in a dark heathen world,
Melt it must; the melt to mull of worldly spells.

Burdened, mean boys do shame, her fears this quells.
High, their lustful looks, she’s hardened and burled,
Iced hard eyes encased by crystal ice shells.

Worldly girls predicted “a life of hells!”
“It’s a baby boy!” the sonogram purled,
Melt it must; the melt to mull of worldly spells.

“Who’d love me now? A prisoner in cells
Of new obligations, a life imperiled!”
Iced hard eyes encased by crystal ice shells.

“You’re not going to keep it!” her mother yells,
Imprisoned to the car, tires screeched and whirled,
Melt it must; the melt to mull of worldly spells.

For life’s greatest joy, all glory and bells,
Now laid on a table, twisted and curled.
Iced hard eyes encased by crystal ice shells.
Melt it must; the melt to mull of worldly spells. 

  • Gary Edward Geraci

Strength in Hearth and Home

Honor among all:
Marriage bed left undefiled;
God will judge the heart.

Hebrews 13:4

-Gary Edward Geraci

Two Becomes One

Sexual diff’rence
These two becoming one flesh
God’s revelation

Gary Edward Geraci


To the traveling and working Filipino migrant with a fervent love of God to light the way and spread His word


Far from country so they sail,
What ails the aged and the frail;
Healing both body and soul —
God’s gift, the Filipino.

Kept close to Christ and the pope:
The world’s best workforce, full of hope;
All in Abu Dhabi,
Arabian, Filipino.


Mass, it’s as if it’s been stilled,
Massive cathedrals once were filled;
But wait, a resurgence:
Pack the Church, Filipino!


Long love for both young and old,
Hearts to heal a hardened household:
Poised, PacMan’s power punch,
Las Vegas, Filipino.


Closet cloistered, folded hands,
A burning bush in salted sands,
Good and gone but your prayer,
Saved my life, Filipino!

  • Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, February 2, 2019


chasing lies and laxity, 
dread followed those highs: deadness.
fertile fields my sovereignty, 
spoiled by a drunken redness.

street smart and known, ignorance
kept me from ever knowing;
i called it a hinderance
and found it’s Love that’s chasing.

-Gary Edward Geraci

Pilgrim’s Prayer

for the past and the
present; most of all - for all
of eternity:
One Lord and one another;
may God help us each get there.

-Gary Edward Geraci