Monday, December 16, 2013

The Two-Slap Tumbao

G4 Bullet 1 - Forming or joining a YOUCAT study group.  Pope Francis explains to us in Evangelii Gaudium (EG), The Joy of the Gospel, we, that's you and me, are not isolated islands. "God has found a way to unite himself to every human being in every age. He has chosen to call them together as a people and not as isolated individuals." (EG #112-quoting Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, 9.)  

2. Doing our own thing, playing our own rhythms all alone isn't the final straw; we are part of something much bigger, the kingdom of God.  

3. Thank God, we are part of Christ's reign going on right now, Christ's church.  We need one another - I need each one of you; your prayers, your love.  

4. The virtual world can be a start, we enter into it from the privacy of our own home, we learn about the other, we are at ease with one another, and through this knowledge we come to safety and trust.  Eventually we become less virtual, less anonymous.  Maybe we join a live Google Hangouts session, or we arrange a live chat session with our YOUCAT study group.
5. It doesn't matter if we are all thousands of miles from one another; what matters is that we pray for one another, see the body of Christ in one another, be there for one another- even if, at best, it's through a group chat session, Skype session, Face Time session; plain old fashioned e-mail - and if not immediately, then sometime later on at a mutually agreeable time. 

6. God only knows, one day, you may be squeezing the hand of your virtual friend, embracing one another in a big hug, recognizing the warmth of Christ in your friend only now, face to face, one on one!  But you have to start somewhere.  Here's how: 
  • Go to YOUCAT'sFacebook page,
  • check out the FAQ's section first, 
  • scroll through the existing groups, 
  • open up some group's pages - there my be one all ready for you to join.  
  • No?  Then be brave!  Hit the "start new button."  Go on, YOU CAN do it!
G4 Bullet 2 -  Finding the "one" and counting, counting when you play.  This is where a real 'live' music teacher comes in handy, really - beyond the written word of this blog; at least to start this "one" off, pun intended.  Knowing where the "one" is, in any music, is fundamental to playing an instrument or even singing in time.  Sorry - I can't sugar coat this reality.  We CAN start counting now as we play our patterns.

G4 Bullet 3 - Clap on "one" exercise.  We could spend an entire half-hour session just listening to music and simply clapping every time we heard the "one."   Can you do this on your own, finding the "one" to your favorite songs?  Maybe, but not likely (speaking from my own experiences).  It takes someone with a bit of experience, who knows how to show and lead you to the "one" and then, through your own diligent effort, practicing until you have internalized the finding of the "one" on your own.  

9. Very same reason we go to church - we need each other in our search for a greater union with God.

10. Does anyone in your family play an instrument?  Yes?  Pick about 20 minutes of your favorite songs, better yet, 20 minutes of their favorite songs, and ask them to help you clap the "one" in each measure of the song.  How about a friend or someone who plays music in your church?  Turn on the radio for them and ask them to help you clap the "one."  

11. Pulling out all stops here - if there is absolutely no-one in your family, friends, or church that can help you - do you have an electronic keyboard in your house?  One with pre-set demo tracks?  Great.  Play those demo tracks and watch the LED display window - I'll bet the piece is being counted out: 1,2,3,4 - 1,2,3,4- 1,2,3,4 just watch inside the LED window.  Now clap every time use see the "one" come up in the 1,2,3,4 - 1,2,3,4 - 1,2,3,4 sequence going on in the instruments LED window.  

12. This takes practice.   Clapping the "one" is a great, low key exercise and before long, you will actually begin to feel the "one," effortlessly; any song you listen to; a certain pull, a mysterious tug - that's how it will feel. 

G4 Bullet 4 - Whole, half, and quarter notes and rests. We learn what God reveals to us through the man Jesus Christ, written down in words according to eye witness accounts, shared through the Gospels of the Bible.  Isn't this astounding?  God is using human language to teach supernatural lessons!  

14. We too can learn what a songwriter or a rhythm maker is revealing through feelings, written down in music notation, the "words" of music.  We'll use internationally accepted symbols of note heads, rests, staff, measures and bar lines.  

15. Access your Basic Notation (1) and read through it carefully.  I've also posted a new sheet called Basic Notation (5) copied from the Encyclopedia of Reading Rhythms by Gary Hess to help you visualize how the whole, half, and quarter notes are related to one another.  

16. You can see how a whole note is equivalent to two half notes and a half note is equivalent to four quarter notes.  We see a vertical rectangle at the beginning of each staff (the arrangement of five horizontal lines) and we call this symbol a "percussion clef;" the notes to follow are to be played on percussion instruments. 

17. Of these three notes, tabletop players and nearly every conga player I've ever watched, can really only be concerned with the playing of quarter notes.  You won't play a whole note or a half note on the tabletop.  Besides, you're not going to find a pattern for drum or tabletop where the note is expected to be held out to resonate or sustain for a period longer than one quarter note.  Try it yourself.  Strike your tabletop and notice how quickly the sound dissipates.   Now strike a guitar string or a piano key and you've got a totally different story altogether- the note sustains - it continues to resonate, sounding off.   Melodic instruments are designed to sustain whereas the majority of rhythm instruments are not. 

18. Sometimes we just need to rest.

RESTS are a different story.  Go to the bottom of Basic Notation (1) where I illustrate notes and rests.  Take the "half" rest.   Now doing the math - in one measure, a "measure" is a space on the staff divided by "bar lines;" a space to place notes and rests, I could play two quarter notes and then rest for two quarter rests, or for that matter, one half rest.  Either way, they add up to the same thing - we are resting, not playing any notes, while we count the remaining two quarter notes in silence.   

19. Or, in one measure, we could play 4 quarter notes in a row counting 1,2,3,4, as we strike the tabletop four times and then in the next measure, we could observe a "whole" rest, remaining silent - not striking the tabletop at all while we count out 1,2,3,4.   Instead of looking at a "whole" rest symbol we could get the same desired outcome by writing four quarter rests in the measure.  Either way, they add up to the same thing - we are resting, not playing any notes, while we count four quarter notes.

G4 Bullets 5-7, Learn the Rhythm - Tumbao: The Two-Slap Tumbao
SPEAK THE RHYTHM: te re Pa Pa te re Du Du...te re Pa Pa te re Du Du

21. Work both hands:  Remember;  when working on technique, whatever is true for the right hand is true for the left hand.  You will find that if you are right handed, the patterns  starting with the right hand will be easier to play than when starting the same pattern with the left hand (and vice versa).   Switch hands: If you are right handed, use your left hand now to start playing the pattern.  It helps me to go to the practice sheet (see YOU Practice) and write out L,R,L,R,L,R,L,R below the R,L,R,L,R,L,R,L line so that I can clearly see the strokes my left hand is supposed to be playing at a particular moment (beat) in time.  Start slowly and work up your speed as your accuracy improves; this exercise develops dexterity.

G4 Bullet 8 - Topic A2, Chew On It. Man Is Receptive to God:  Cravings, Desires, and Lattes.    Why do we yearn for happiness? (YOUCAT 281) 

23. Douglas McManaman in Introduction to Philosophy for Young People writes "Most people tend to associate happiness with feeling good, that is, with a life that offers a variety of pleasures and comforts.  Some tend to associate happiness with being able to do whatever they want to do, still others associate it with achieving everything they have set out to achieve in life.  But ask yourself whether it is possible to have many and frequent pleasures in life, yet remain unhappy.  And is it possible to have a few pleasures in life, yet be happy?  Moreover, is it possible to be able to do whatever you want, yet still be unhappy?  Finally, is it possible to achieve everything you have set out to achieve in life, yet remain profoundly unhappy?"

24. In 1987, at the young age of 23, I obtained my first dream car, a brand new black, Jaguar four-door sedan.  I was on top of the world - for a few days anyway.  It seemed I was happiest when I was in it and people I knew (or didn't know) saw me in it.  I had so identified with this car that when I was in it I was happy and when I wasn't in it I had to keep reminding myself (and probably others too) that I had it so that I could be happy again.  I may have heard the choir of angels singing when I drove it into the front, valet parking area of some trendy night club, in full view of a long line of fashionable people waiting to get in.  But once inside, when it came right down to it, there was no sign around my neck that read "The guy driving the black Jaguar" and there certainly wasn't a wallet in my back pocket with an unlimited amount of cash inside that might have otherwise drawn the kind of attention I must have been seeking.  After only a few months, and many, many car washes later, the black Jaguar felt like any other car I had owned - it no longer was the summit of my happiness.

25. "Happiness is not in us, nor is happiness outside of us.  Happiness is in God alone.  And if we have found him, then it is everywhere."  Blaise Pascal (1588-1651)

26. Can you think of any material thing that in itself has made you happy for years on end.  Ok, maybe your home - but were you really happy with it after it became infested with termites? When a storm blew off half its shingles?  After being invited to your lifelong friends house, a much bigger and fancier home?  And what about the fleeting happiness that comes with technology purchases?  The Toshiba I'm typing on today was at one time my pride and joy, state-of-the art, fast as they come, computing powerhouse; not any longer I'm afraid.  Ok, I'm still grateful to have it and you know what?  It's this kind of simple gratitude that makes me happy now, not the device.

27. Man is receptive to God: Cravings, Desires & Lattes (YOUCAT Study Guide, pg 5)

28. This is reasonable.  If God created human beings, and if he created people in his image, then it's reasonable to conclude he also knows what will make us the happiest.  Yet, fallen like we are, we seem to come equipped with cravings and desires that often lead us completely off the mark as to what really makes us happy.  

29. We start worshipping things other than God.  Things like Jaguars, technology, members of the opposite-sex (or same-sex for some), money, eating out at fine restaurants, ourselves, the attention and adoration others give us when we start climbing the rungs in society, ourselves, participating in activities that elevate us to celebrity like status, and oh yeah - ourselves.

30. Thank God we always have some help - even when we are the farthest away, at the opposite end of where the kingdom of God should be (at least in our own mind).  We have an advocate, working on our behalf, yes always, whether we give him credit or not.  It's true.  

31.Unregulated desires, passions, our heads too often buried in our gadgets, and sensualities lead us to sin against our Creator, our most merciful God and so he pulls us back to himself anyway because of the love he has for his poor creatures. 

32. Silence first, just allowing oneself to simply think.  

Like we learned above in using rests; silence is part of making music.  Silence has its place.  Take thirty minutes rest from all electronics…to think…to ponder over higher truths maybe…can you do it?  If God really is our Creator...if God really became man…the Word made flesh…our flesh…communicating in human words, this Jesus Christ.  If Christ was a real historical figure...really walked this earth, the same one I'm walking now...wait a minute, the very Creator of the earth we are all walking now…the man that was crucified and rose from the dead…forever defeating the hold death had on people before He came. 

33. Be silent enough to even think about the alternative…if there is no God then everything I am part of is just a random, chance occurrence of events…absolutely no meaning...absent any higher intelligence...cold...loveless...and so better do whatever feels good now because soon it's ALL over…blackness…

34. No way, I conclude at this point, usually way before this point, stopping the deluge of nonsense….this lure of the "strictly material" world.  The engineer in me, the quasi academic side, having studied probabilities - wins out in the end and using reason, I come to trust in God over the alternative.  I make a renewed assent to higher, transcendental realities, cognizant that even our best secular scientists must also press against limits too, and then make decisions how to treat what lies beyond those limits; the unknown and mysterious.  What lies beyond?  A matter of speculation or a matter of faith? 

35. I will for stronger faith in God, a greater hope in God, a love for God and the faith in God that has been granted by grace and revealed to me throughout my lifetime, even when I wasn't paying attention.  Today, for the most part, I am at peace, joyful.  Ordinary events take on new meaning, a joyful radiance that wasn't there before.  But none of this happens without silence.  Rests.  Allowing oneself time to think daily.  I'm convinced that I too must see for myself what this man named Jesus Christ really taught - using the human mind, memory, and understanding - finding and concluding the relevance of what He taught and finding it to be just as poignant today as it was when He preached it over 2000 years ago.

36. The Beatitudes are the heart of Jesus' preaching.

The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) respond to our natural desire for happiness.

"They take up the promises made to the chosen people since Abraham.  The Beatitudes fulfill the promises by ordering them no longer merely to possession of a territory, but to the Kingdom of heaven." (Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) #1716)
  • Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
  • Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
  • Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
  • Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
  • Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
  • Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
  • Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
  • Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
  • Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.  Rejoice and be glad, for  your reward is great in heaven. (Mt. 5:3-12)
37. Find out what each of these sentences means for you in silence.  If you need some help - go to the early Church Fathers - what did these sentences mean to them?  Read a few philosophers and theologians - what did these sentences mean to them?  Contemplate again in silence and slowly but surely, in a few days, in a few months, in a few years, at your deathbed….the Beatitudes will have meaning, the meaning Christ Himself had when He spoke them for your benefit and for my benefit.  Hopefully, it’s the journey itself, towards understanding, that brings you the most joy and happiness.

38. "The Beatitudes respond to the natural desire for happiness.  This desire is of divine origin:  God has placed it in the human heart in order to draw man to the one who alone can fulfil it.   We all want to live happily; in the whole human race there is no one who does not assent to this proposition, even before it is fully articulated."  -St. Augustine, De morribus eccl. 1,3,4: PL 32,1312.

39. "How is it, then, that I seek you Lord?  Since in seeking you, my God, I seek a happy life, let me seek you so that my soul may live, for my body draws life from my soul and my soul draws life from you."  -St. Augustine, Conf. 10,20: PL 32, 791

40. God has placed….God has put…God has created... in all of us, these cravings and desires.

At the end of every craving, of every desire, of every longing, in all of them is " infinite desire for happiness." (YOUCAT 281) and "….a longing to seek and find him." (YOUCAT 3)

41. But as a result of sin, human sin, original sin, we can be tricked fooled, misled, enticed to take the wrong path; not all desires or feelings can be acted upon without harming us.  Even good things, taken without moderation, can soon become a problem for us.

42. Raw emotions without the screen of thinking and reasoning to sift through them can cause disorders, discord, and depression in our lives.  Water is good for us but too much of it all at once can be destructive, even deadly.  Raw emotions can be likened to the wave of water that floods the city downstream.  Thinking and reasoning is like the well designed drainage ditch that safely channels the potentially destructive force of the stormwater (emotions) below the city and out to the other side.   

43. Go to God and pray to God, listening, accepting God's will.  

"Sort out my longings Lord.  Put me on the path toward complete fulfillment."

44. Fortunately, when we get off the mark, we can still go and make a good confession before a priest.  In the interests of justice we practice acts of reparation to make good, to repair harm caused by our transgressions, our sinfulness, to respond in gratitude for the unmerited act of redemption done for us by our loving Father.  To begin again, and again, and again, and again, increasing virtue bit by bit while decreasing vice bit by bit.

45. "Man plunges into the depths of reality whenever he enters into his own heart; God, who probes the heart, awaits him there; there he discerns his proper destiny beneath the eyes of God."  (The Church in the Modern World, no 14 - Second Vatican Council)

46. The importance of regular housecleaning of the heart is more than just a catchy metaphor.   Try to prepare somewhere nice for the Master, the chief Physician; our God - who waits for us here in the innermost spaces of our heart, where nothing is hidden.  No this task can't be underestimated.  

47. God understands the cravings, desires, and longings found here, the true purpose - exactly because he became man and lived among men.  God wills us to organize our interior life, keeping the craving that longs for the finish line - keeping the desire for living our true purpose in life according to the will of God - keeping the longing to love God and to love our neighbor for God's sake.  All the rest can be thrown out with the trash.  Create a mental picture of nuns with power washers spraying the interior of your heart clean...all the gunk laced liquid just draining out of your body.  Yes we are clean again!  Exactly the way it feels after making a good, contrite confession.

48. God alone satisfies. -St. Thomas Aquinas, Expos. insymb.apost.I.

49. "To will all that God wills and always to will it, on all occasions and without reservations, is the Kingdom of God that is completely within."  Francois Fenelon (1651-1715)

50. "The Beatitudes reveal the face of Jesus Christ and his deep love for humanity.  In light of Christ's glorious Passion and Resurrection; the Beatitudes spell out the mission of those faithful to Christ; reveal actions and attitudes that mark the Christian life; make promises for hope in the middle of trials and suffering; however dimly for Christ's disciples; [yes, that's you and me!]  They have begun in the lives of the Virgin Mary and all the saints." (CCC 1717)

51. I have come to recognize a stark contrast between my wealth and the meager possessions of the countless poor; many industrious but still completely impoverished people.  I have witnessed the shanty and squatter areas of a "third world" (developing  country) where many of the poor live and work.  My solidarity with them is in the Beatitudes.  

52. In light of the Beatitudes, Christ doesn't ask us to form a system of social justice that would elevate the "poor" on a par with the "wealthy," for example, increasing the number of material items the poor owned, so that all people at all times simply owned a lot of stuff.  No, this isn't the Beatitude that leads to happiness.  

53. Granted, a more uniform material consumption of goods among people is desired, but this in itself is not the end all, be all source of happiness.  In practicing the Beatitudes, rich and poor alike can participate now, without waiting for such material parity, living joyfully, in the kingdom of heaven on earth established by Christ for all.  

54. Rich or poor alike can practice the Beatitudes.  If one group over the other could be said to be better disposed, according to Jesus Christ, the keys to the kingdom of heaven on earth lie with the poor.

55. "The Beatitudes reveal the goal of human existence, the ultimate end of human acts: God calls us to his own beatitude. This vocation is addressed to each individual personally, but also to the Church as a whole, the new people made up of those who have accepted the promise and live from it in faith." (CCC 1719)

56. "The Beatitudes take up and fulfill God's promises from Abraham on by ordering them to the Kingdom of heaven.  They respond to the desire for happiness that God has placed in the human heart." (CCC 1725)

57. Despite the political difficulties and great suffering, African and Cuban people alike long for happiness and still more, for the kingdom of heaven now.

58. Cuba appears to be the country where the Tumbao, our Lesson G4 pattern, originated.  The Tumbao - the staple - is the tried and true favorite pattern for me to accompany standard, 4/4 pop rock songs.  Variations like the "Two-Slap Tumbao" abound. 

59. "Under Spain, Cuba became the most profitable sugar-producing region in the world.  Sugar was an enormously valuable commodity in the 17th and 18th centuries; individual fortunes and national economies were founded on the sugar trade.  Thousands of African slaves were brought in to work the vast cane plantations.  These slaves were controlled by the Spanish in various ways.  Among other things, they were forced to speak Spanish and accept Christianity.  In defiance, slaves gave their African gods the names of Christian saints and continued to worship them in their native languages.  This form of worship, known as Santeria, preserved many African religious, ritual and musical traditions, and is still practiced today.  [In] it's ceremonies we can hear West African rhythms in their nearly-original state." Afro-Cuban Rhythms for Drumset by Frank Malabe and Bob Weiner

60. OK - forcing people to adopt one's religious belief isn't a Beatitude and the Catholic Church, for it's part, most recently under Pope John Paul II, has made apologies regarding the injustices of Catholics during slave trading.  Being a blessing to those who are poor in spirit is a Beatitude and today, Christianity is seeing unprecedented growth on the continent of Africa.

61. Last but not least, here's what others are saying about the Tumbao:

"Tumbao is the most popular conga pattern in contemporary Latin music.  But it's also a versatile groove that fits well with rock, funk, and jazz.  Once you learn it, you'll find plenty of opportunities to play it."  Hip Grooves for Hand Drums by Alan Dworsky and Betsy Sansby

62. The Tumbao, it's a pattern "…used in Latin, jazz, and contemporary pop-rock music today.  You should know that in the 1940s, the conga drummer in a traditional Cuban dance group used only one drum.  Thus the player's role was to play a constant tumbao rhythm with slight variations and little or no soloing." Play Congas Now - The Basics and Beyond by Richie Gajate-Garcia

63. "The Tumbao is a popular conga rhythm and the nucleus of many other rhythms including the Bolero, Cha-Cha-Cha, Mambo, and Guajira to name a few." Afro-Cuban Drumming: A Comprehensive Guide to Traditional & Contemporary Styles by Glen Caruba

64. "In a few days it will be Christmas, a great feast for us Christians, but also for the whole human race, which, without knowing it, is looking for Christ.  Christmas is coming, and God wants us to be joyful, like the shepherds, like the wise men, like Mary and Joseph.  We shall be full of joy if Our Lord is really present in our life, if we have not lost him, if we have not allowed our sight to be clouded by tepidity or lack of generosity.  

65. When our attempts to discover happiness along other paths which lead away from God, all one finds in fact is sorrow and misery.  All those who, in one way or another, ever turned their backs on God have had the same experience: they have proved that apart from God there is no true happiness.  There can be none.  To find Christ, and to remain in his company, is to possess a deep happiness which is new every day." (In Conversation with God by Francis Fernandez)

G4 Bullet 9 - Assignment ONEThe completion of this assignment, is a requisite for Gray Level graduation.  Throughout this course, I will assign rhythm practice exercises from the Encyclopedia of Reading Rhythms: Text and Workbook for All Instruments by Gary Hess.  It's less than $15 on Amazon and might even be available free, via download through eBook readers.  Part of the assignment is a one page rhythm training from Hess' workbook.  There's also an opportunity to record and play along with a few of your favorite songs as well as a written section responding to the text sections of Lessons G1-G4. Regarding the assignment's written portion, read the questions carefully - several have more than one question to answer.  You can do it!

G4 Bullets 10 - YOU Practice Lesson G4 If you want measurable results - try to practice both your faith and drumming at least 30 minutes a day.  

a.) Playing simple rhythms on a daily basis can be similar in repetition to (but never used in place of) making a daily examination of conscience at the end of the day.  

b.) When you first start doing this you can use the Ten Commandments as a guideline for your examination.  When you have thoroughly examined your conscience, fostering a spirit of contrition in the process, you can end with an Act of Contrition prayer.  Now you're ready to go have your confession heard.  

c.) Did you know that frequent confession is the best way to turn human "frailties" and "defects" into more virtuous behavior?  

d.) Practice perfects the one undergoing the repetitious movement; either naturally or supernaturally.  Stick always to a daily rhythm of prayer.  And don't forget to practice the "rests" in your patterns; seek periods of silence to simply think about higher ordered mysteries.  

e.) Answered prayers are reminders of God's supernatural order present in our very own lives.  The Church teaches the fruitful value of a sound prayer life; my family and I, can give personal testimony to the effectiveness of daily prayer.  Practice makes perfect!

G4 Bullet 11 - Table Task:  Thank.  "Like" a Christian organization on FaceBook, for example: St Paul Street Evangelization and "Share" an Internet meme with a timely message about abortion or some other issue important to your faith.  Involvement and support like this is a way of showing your thanks and gratitude to the many men and women whom are active, today, right now on the behalf of Christ's kingdom ...thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven....

G4 Bullet 12 - Basic Notation (1) and (2) handouts: study them.

G4 Bullet 13 - Counting (1) handout: study it.

Gray Level Syllabus

"Time For The Table" The Way and Means

Saturday, November 2, 2013

My First Son Clave

G3 Bullet 1 - Review speaking the strokes.   Speak the rhythm.  For the Son Clave variation in this lesson you will speak: "Du ge re Du ge re Du re te re Du ge re Du ge re" and repeat  "Du ge re Du ge re Du re te re Du ge re Du ge re" over and over again.  Notice you are speaking one syllable for each beat of the pattern and then repeating yourself.  

2. In this lesson we are speaking one pattern across two measures (review  the term "Measure" on page 1 of the "Basic Notation" sheet and "Two Part Counting" for the  4/4 measure on page 1 of the "Counting" sheet) and then repeating ourselves.  Start slowly and work up your speed.   

3. Yes, you will sound funny to yourself and to others too, but that's okay, really.  This rule is tried and true, if you can speak it first, you can play it.  You are also burning the pattern into your 'memory banks' this way.  Even with something as common as a tabletop, you may not always have one in front of you, like when you're in the shower.  But you can still rehearse the pattern, even while in the shower, by speaking the rhythm.

4. In this class we will speak "Ge" for the bass stroke, "Du" for the open stroke, "te" and/or "re" for the touch stroke, "Pa" for the closed slap stroke,  "ge-re" for the heel-toe stroke, and "mh" for the mute stroke.  Watch the movies for "Speak the Rhythm" demonstrations.

G3 Bullets 2-4, Learn the Rhythm - Son Clave: My First Son Clave

SPEAK THE RHYTHM: Du Ge re Du Ge re Du re te re Du Ge re Du Ge re...

6. Work both hands:  Remember; when working on technique, whatever is true for the right hand is true for the left hand.  You will find that if you are right handed, the patterns  starting with the right hand will be easier to play than when starting the same pattern with the left hand (and vice versa).  Switch hands: If you are right handed, use your left hand now to start playing the pattern.  It helps me to go to the practice sheet (see YOU Practice) and write out L,R,L,R,L,R,L,R below the R,L,R,L,R,L,R,L line so that I can clearly see the strokes my left hand is supposed to be playing at a particular moment (beat) in time.  Start slowly and work up your speed as your accuracy improves; this exercise develops dexterity.

G3 Bullets 5 - Topic A2, Sound Check.  Man Is Receptive to God:  Cravings, Desires, and Lattes.  What do we crave?   We seem to crave more than just burgers, lattes, and pizzas these days. (YOUCAT Study Guide)

8. Many of us today find it easier to choose "the world" over God.  Outside of the occasional, hour or two, Sunday services one just doesn't find much of God in the world anymore.  Author David B. Currie in his book What Jesus REALLY Said About The End Of The World writes "They are more interested in enjoyment.  Noah's time illustrate this well (Gen. 6-9).  Before the destruction of the flood, life was enjoyable, albeit far from holy.  People were enjoying ordinary and normal things: eating, drinking, and marrying…..Chrysostom in fact, wrote that the people's infidelity, and thus their destruction, followed from their 'self-indulgence.'  What a choice lies before mankind!  Suffering is to be followed by glory -or enjoyment is to be followed by destruction.  It is not an appealing set of options, but it is the choice Jesus delineates."

9. Consequently, the destruction we see today, whether we are willing to admit it or not, results from becoming a culture craving smut and sensuality.  Just look around and be honest.  We've gotten off the mark, we're not all playing together anymore with the son clave, we're all off beat and no-one's dancing in the heavens to this song.

Heaps and Piles of Reports

10. The abortion reports, the divorce reports, the random acts of violence reports, the STD reports, the single mother reports, the AIDS reports, the prostitution reports, the dysfunctional family reports, the abused children reports,  the attacks on marriage reports-what losers we have become; yes, truly losing in the end.  Look the reports up yourself, Google them, you'll see the moral predicament we find ourselves in.

11. Electronic technology and broadband services today can make communication with one another seem nearly anonymous and with no real accountability to other people which makes encounters with strangers far easier to arrange.  The Internet has become a place to satisfy our innermost private cravings instantly.  Online pornography has grown by leaps and bounds and so has human trafficking and exploitation. 

12. Losing the sense of worth of others has also created among us a new generation of serial polygamists.  We take one partner after another partner moving from one failed relationship to another and then another.  Who wants to wait for marriage anymore?  It's easier to just live together and apparently a lot easier to end living together should things become inconvenient and annoying.  We are selfish, self-centered, and completely oblivious to the sanctity and worth of marriage and to the common good of our spouse and to the good of the children of the marriage when we to choose to live life this way. 

13. We try to justify the satisfaction of our selfish cravings by reasoning everyone is doing it and so it's all OK.  So let's blame the culture.  EVERYBODY IS DOING IT.  It seemed fun, exciting, and adventurous at the time didn't it?  No one sees themselves as doing anything out of what everyone else in America is doing, right?  We all watched late night TV, went to the movies, crashed  nightclubs, sometimes even strip bars, listened to morning talk show radio, and went with our friends to all the downtown hot spots; enough times to know what went on there and to become part of that scene.  

14. But soon thereafter did we find ourselves swirling downward in a dirty sea of vice and consequences: serial one-night stands, unplanned pregnancy and abortions, divorce, unfaithful partners, heartbreaks, pornography addiction, prostitutes, STDs; totally forsaking our character and human dignity in the process, causing untold degrees of psychological harm and damage to our personalities.  

This is hell.

15. It's no longer scandalous for the media to report how the erotica novel 50 Shades of Gray will replace the Bible in at least one hotel.  Again, you can see what we are really craving here.

16. What do we crave? 

17. How do you describe that feeling in your heart when you play violent video games with beatings, killings, explosions, shootings, and now even torture?  What is that feeling that you get when you look at real corpses or movie clips of actual deaths caught on camera or car or motorcycle racing accident footage? 

18. Some are repelled and sickened; your conscience speaking to you perhaps, while others are drawn in, continually craving to see more.  

19. How about the cockiness and invincibility that comes over you when you listen to hard core metal, rap, or suggestive music?  You know the feeling; roll down the windows, let everyone hear it.  From here it's easy to ratchet it up a notch or two so that maybe what started as crass entertainment has now turned into vicious and cruel pranks against other people.

I call the root of these cravings "sensualities." 

20. Allowing them to flood in minus some sort of regulating mechanism, moral compass, a son clave to keep the order and time, will get you in the end.  You're not living in freedom here when these "sensualities" get the upper hand and the dignity of your person starts rotting out from under you.

21. "I'm not that corrupt!" you shout.  Fair enough but we're all fallen sons and daughters of Adam, every last one of us. 

22. Maybe for you, the feeling, this "sensuality," comes about by reading soft porn romance novels or perhaps you like watching racy or maybe even violent movies.  It all starts somewhere.  The devil doesn't make a big show of it you know.

23. Maybe your "sensuality" is that you couldn't ever get enough of gambling or sports games.   For others, you can't control your expenditures on stuff: gadgets, clothes, cooking items, homes, furniture, cars, boats, guns, jewelry, music, etc.  The "sensuality" is likely in the nagging feeling to spend every bit of your earnings on getting more stuff - you're never satisfied for long here.  

24. Maybe it's binge drinking alcohol or consuming drugs and tobacco like there's no tomorrow or over eating simply because you can.  Or for you, it's a narcissistic urge to reveal every last detail about your life on FaceBook or in a Blog like The Beat Goes On.

25. Funny thing is even after feeding these "sensualities" how many times and how soon thereafter are we left STILL unfulfilled? 

26. There we go again, depressed and alone, kicking oneself for having wasted so much time, money, and relationships strolling around life in such manner.  Like the walking dead, with a big hole in our heart, still longing for that special something that seems just out of our reach.  How many more days, nights, months, years, and decades are we going to repeat this?  

Jesus Christ knows what it's like to be human.  He's patient and walks with you through this putrid mire and muck.

27. We were the fig tree bearing no fruit, ready to be cut down by the master.  But someone must have interceded, asking for yet another year. (Luke 13:6-9) "In spite of these disappointments God returns with renewed generosity time and time again to look for results.  This is the patience of God (2 Peter 3:9) towards souls.  He does not become discouraged by our lack of correspondence.  He knows how to wait.  He sees our faults and failings but he also sees our capacity for doing good.  The Lord never gives up on any soul.  He trusts us through thick and thin." (In Conversation with God: DailyMeditations Volume Five: Ordinary Time: Weeks 24-34 by Francis Fernandez)

28. What does Saint Paul mean when he writes that Jesus didn't come to condemn sinners but to save sinners?  "Because of original sin, the world that Jesus entered has already stood condemned.  But now, because of the power of Jesus' atonement on the cross, that condemnation has been lifted.  Everyone who believes and is baptized into Christ has the promise of eternal life.  Through Jesus we can all be released from guilt and worry, from anxiety and fear."  (The Word Among Us: Daily Meditations)

29. All of us?  Yes, all of us!  So pull yourself out of the tub of brown stuff once and for all and set your course for the sparkling, emerald streams of saving waters.  This news is the Good News we hear about when we read scripture. 

30. What do we crave? 

How about craving God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the One whom gave you your immortal soul?

31. "It is natural for man to seek God." (YOUCAT, 3)

32. "The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself.  Only in God will he find the truth and happiness he never stops searching for." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 27)

33. If nothing else, try for once getting onto your knees in prayer and asking for forgiveness.  Bring God back into your life and allow him to lead you to make a good confession before a priest.  Being truly sorry for our past sins, resolving to change our lives once and for all, and from then on, committing to a regular partaking of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, will result in an abundant outpouring of saving grace.  Grace that allows us to die to our old ways, our old selves, and to become the person God truly envisioned when He created us.  

A genuine conversion. 

34. The Son Clave is the great time keeper for many Afro-Cuban music styles.  Just like a keystone holds an arch in place, the son clave holds theses rhythms together.  The clave is point of reference, a strong beacon to the rest of the group as to where they need to be in time with their parts.  

35. If the clave is off - so is the rest of the band and everyone else knows it too.  

36. In a spiritual sense, when we sin, we are off the mark, we are no longer in the best possible situation to receive grace and to recognize God's love and mercy for us.  So try as you might to stay on beat, to play with the clave.

37. Like tabletop drumming, it gets easier with practice.  We're building habits, we're learning to obey, to trust, and to surrender.  We're learning to live with the clave, making music that all of heaven can dance to.  Police your heart.  Counter those cravings and desires that you would be ashamed to have the Lord grant with prayers to the saints whom have also struggled and overcome sin.  If you fall short, get up again, remaining humble and repentant, and try again.

38. Long for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and watch your life completely and totally improve.  And don't forget about the Mother of our Church, Mother Mary.  Flee to the folds of her robe when you are in trouble, praying for her intercession.  Her most pure heart will lead to powerful intercessory prayers to help you live a chaste and virtuous life. 

G3 Bullets 6 - YOU Practice Lesson G3 If you want measurable results - try to practice both your faith and drumming at least 30 minutes a day.  

a.) Playing simple rhythms on a daily basis can be similar in repetition to (but never used in place of) a prayer recitation of The Hail Mary repeated ten times.  Try to pray it slowly and deliberately.  

b.) Did you know that a typical weekday Mass lasts right at 30 minutes?  No local church in your area offering daily Mass?  Watch online then!  Yes, it's still less than 30 minutes.  Ask yourself: "If that's Jesus really present in the Eucharist shouldn't I really want to see Him as filmed during Mass?"  

c.) Practice perfects the one undergoing the repetitious movement; either naturally or supernaturally.  

d.) Answered prayers are reminders of God's supernatural order present in our very own lives.  The Church teaches the fruitful value of a sound prayer life.  My family and I can give personal testimony to the effectiveness of daily prayer.  Practice makes perfect!

G3 Bullet 7 - Table Task:  Notice.   Notice and pay attention to the direction of your cravings.  Notice when you might be operating at times from a lower, instinctive, intelligence base.  For example, when you see a very attractive person, take this base craving you might have for this person and elevate it's implications to your rational intelligence.  For example, tell yourself: 

a.) "I get this same feeling whenever I see an attractive person."  

b.) "I see a lot of attractive people."  

c.) "I would be acting this out with far too many people if I acted this out with each and every pretty person I ran into." and 

d.) "This would be both unnatural, unhealthy and destructive to me and to those that I love and care for and whom love and care about me."  

41. Instead, redirect the focus of the craving through prayer.  

42. The Hail Mary is an excellent prayer given the purity and chastity our Mother represents to us.  In time, this will allow you to love the person as God desires you to love her/him: another person with dignity created in the image of God.  

43. Notice too that what we really long for is the Creator; the One whom created all of these pretty people in the first place.  Only the Creator can truly satisfy our longings.  

44. Crave for the true source of that which you long for.  See "A Meditation of St. Augustine" - Confessions (X,27,38) quoted in my post "A Little Bit of Heaven, Now" and then read this great work called "Fill These Hearts: God, Sex, and the Universal Longing" by Christopher West.

G3 Bullet 8 - Basic Notation (1) handout: study it.

G3 Bullet 9 - Counting (1) handout: study it.

Gray Level Syllabus

"Time For The Table" The Way and Means

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Middle Calypso and Middle Earth

G2 Bullet 1 - Review, bass, open and touch stroke (see Lesson G1 Bullet 5). Watch again the opening minute of the The Big Calypso and Existence for a demonstration of how to play these strokes on the table.   Also helpful to you  as you make your way through the Gray Level Lessons would be to frequently revisit G1 Bullet 3, playing position on a tabletop surface and G1 Bullet 4, hand care.

G2 Bullet 2 - Closed slap and heel-toe: notation and strokes.   We will now add several more sounds to our repertoire of strokes to play on the tabletop.  

a.) One, the closed slap will be  completely new, while the other, 

b.) the heel-toe is a combination of sorts of the bass and touch stroke that we learned in the previous lesson, The Big Calypso and Existence.

3. The Closed Slap Stroke:  The closed-slap or slap stroke is the most difficult hand drum stroke to learn, a bit easier however, I think, for tabletop players.   Each player has a different approach to producing a slap but the name of the tone says it all.  When properly executed, you hear a "pop" like sound.  Some describe the sharp sound of the slap as sounding like the crack of a whip. 

4. When I was new to conga drumming, it was the writing of Mr. Alan Dworsky and Ms. Betsy Sansby, in their book Conga Drumming: A Beginner's Guide To Playing With Time, that allowed me to compare what I was doing with my own hands to their own very thorough, experience based description of how the slap should be started, executed, and terminated.   I've adapted their teachings to the tabletop strokes contained in these lessons.

5. As I demonstrate in the Middle Calypso and Middle Earth movie below, cup your hand as if you are about to drop it into a bucket to get a drink of water.   "Cup your hand so that only the pads of the fingertips hit the head.  The cup should be slight; you should only be able to slide a pencil between your palm and the drumhead, not a golf ball." (page 27, Conga Drumming)

6. Now bring your fingertips down onto the table with a whip-like motion.   To start a slap stroke, lift your hand two to three inches off of the table by raising your forearm slightly.  At the same time, flex your wrist and pull your fingers up until your hand makes at least a 45 degree angle with the table.  Keep your fingers relaxed and together or just slightly apart.  Your thumb should be away from your hand because once you move your hand forward, you don't want to injure your thumb by whacking it on the edge of the table.  Only the pad of each fingertip - the fingerprint section - should make contact with the tabletop.  The relation of your palm to the edge of the table is critical.   The lower or chubby part of your palm momentarily comes to rest on the edge of the table when you finish the slap stroke instead of the upper part of your palm that you used in the open tone.   So when you go from an open tone to a slap, your hand will shift slightly toward the center of the tabletop.  When we start speaking the strokes later the closed slap stroke will be spoken as "Pa." 

7. The Heel-Toe Stroke:   The great timekeeping stroke.  With this one, I was taught to think of the hand as a foot, well sort of.  The heel is the base of the palm; the toes are the fingertips.  The "heel" part of the stroke is made by lowering the wrist and dropping the bottom of your palm to the tabletop, while keeping the rest of your hand and your fingers up.  The heel stroke is like a bass stroke except you are hitting the tabletop with less of your palm.  Your "heel" should hit the tabletop an inch or two from the edge of the table (I'm playing more like 3" to 4" from the edge in the Middle Calypso and Middle Earth movie) as this will prepare you to play on a real drumhead; typically a smaller area of playable real estate.  Using the same hand, the "toe" part of the stroke is just a touch stroke, the one we learned in The Big Calypso and Existence, that follows the heel stroke.  Like the touch stroke, the toe stroke is light, just let your fingertips fall to the tabletop.  When one hand alternates playing heels and toes it develops a rocking motion, like a finely calibrated piece of automated machinery but it takes practice; starting slow and gradually increasing one's practice tempo.  When we start speaking the strokes later the heel-toe stroke will be spoken as "ge-re." 

G2 Bullet 3 - Learn to “speak” the strokes first.  Speak the rhythm.  For the Middle Calypso you will speak: "Du te re Du Du te re te" and repeat "Du te re Du Du te re te" over and over again.  Notice you are speaking one syllable for each beat of the pattern and then repeating yourself.     Start slowly and work up your speed.   Yes, you will sound funny to yourself and to others too, but that's okay, really.  This rule is tried and true, if you can speak it first, you can play it.  You are also burning the pattern into your 'memory banks' this way.  Even with something as common as a tabletop, you may not always have one in front of you, like when you're in the shower.   But you can still rehearse the pattern, even while in the shower, by speaking the rhythm.

9. In this class we will speak "Ge" for the bass stroke, "Du" for the open stroke, "te" and/or "re" for the touch stroke, "Pa" for the closed slap stroke,  "ge-re" for the heel-toe stroke, and "mh" for the mute stroke.  Watch the movies for "Speak the Rhythm" demonstrations.

10. Housekeeping Rule:   If you drive, I do not recommend practicing "speak the rhythms" while driving.   Although speaking the rhythm along with the tempo of your favorite music is an excellent exercise, I beg you to resist the temptation to do so when driving so that you may instead dedicate 100% of your faculties to the task at hand: safely driving your automobile - for your own health and safety and for the health and safety of your passengers and neighbors all around you. 

G2 Bullets 4-6, Learn the Rhythm - Calypso Middle Drum Part: Middle Calypso and Middle Earth

SPEAK THE RHYTHM: Du te re Du Du te re te...Du te re Du Du te re te...

12. Work both hands:  Remember, when working on technique, whatever is true for the right hand is true for the left hand.  You will find that if you are right handed, the patterns  starting with the right hand will be easier to play than when starting the same pattern with the left hand (and vice versa).   Switch hands: If you are right handed, use your left hand now to start playing the pattern.  It helps me to go to the practice sheet (see the YOU Practice link below) and write out L,R,L,R,L,R,L,R below the R,L,R,L,R,L,R,L line so that I can clearly see the stroke my left hand is supposed to be playing at a particular moment (beat) in time.  Start slowly and work up your speed as your accuracy improves; this exercise develops dexterity.

G2 Bullet 7 - Topic A1, Chew On It. Why We Are Able to Believe: Existence.  Why did God create us? Is it because he wanted sons and daughters, because he wanted children to love and children to share in His goodness, happy children?  I think so.

14. From a "surplus" of love God created us, to love and to be loved. (YOUCAT 2).  

"God, infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created man to make him share in his own blessed life." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1)

15. He asks us to call him Father; our Creator - He asks us, all people of all colors and nationalities, to call him our Father!  Jesus tells us this through a collection of writings known as sacred scripture and found in a collection of books and letters known as the Bible to call God our Father!  In this case: Luke, Chapter 11, verse 1-4 (Luke 11:1-4).

16. "To call God "Father" presumes an intimate relationship with one whom reason might tell us should be approached only at a reverential distance.  We dare approach the Father because of the Savior's command.  Only after having been taught by Christ - and made adopted sons and daughters through the sacrament of Baptism - can we presume this degree of intimacy." (Inside The Mass: A Spiritual Reflection On The New Translation by Rev. Theodore Book, SLL)

How does that make you feel now?

17. When a father loves his child he desires the good of that child and he is prepared to form his child through education and good example.

Christians can recognize this same revelation Christ had regarding the Father's love for us and our own individual formation when during Mass, just before praying The Our Father, we hear the priest say: "At the Savior's command and formed by divine teaching, we dare to say:"

18. Rev. Book goes on to write: "Speaking of being formed by teaching is a recognition that the faith is something learned.  We have not invented it, but received it from Christ, and it is the content of his teaching that, with the aid of grace, moves us to recognize his truth and embrace him.  Faith is not a blind act of the will.  The mind receives what Christ has taught, recognizes that it is holy and divine, and then invites the will to embrace Christ's teaching and so embrace Christ himself.  One cannot be a follower of Christ but reject his teaching.  Someone who attempted to do that would be following an idol that he called "Christ" but that had no real part in Christ."

19. Wow! This is why I highly recommend Inside The Mass for Catholics or interested Christians alike, practicing or not, who want to learn what really goes on during the Roman Catholic Mass.  I'm on my 4th reading of this small book and my understanding and love for the Mass grows with each pass.

20. If you asked me for the second greatest gift after life itself?

I'd tell you it is our freedom to choose.

In contrast to God's plan for each of us, our gift of life, He gives us free choice.  We can elevate it or we can squander it. One we do with Him the other we do without Him.

21. St Thomas Aquinas teaches "God granted other creatures little gifts; to us men and women He has given his entire patrimony.  We are his heirs because we are his sons and daughters.  By the fact of our being children, we are the beneficiaries of his Will.  'For you did not receive the spirit of slavery only to fall back into fear, but you have received the spirit of sonship.  When we cry Abba! Father! it is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God…' " -Romans 8:15, (St Thomas, Commentary on the Lord's Prayer)

22. The Aramaic word Jesus used for Father was Abba and it is very likely that this word was used at services during the very first Church gatherings. (cf W. Marchel,  Abba! Father.  The prayer of Christ and Christians, Rome 1963)  

What this means is that we've been calling God, the same eternal God, no beginning, no end, the same then as now, "Father" for over 2000 years!

23. "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." -Matthew 28:18-20  This is the gospel call that Jesus wanted proclaimed and heard across the world and so he sent forth his chosen, commissioned apostles to all corners of the world. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2)  The yellow book that makes a debut appearance in the Middle Calypso and Middle Earth movie is the YOUCAT.  The trend is to snap a picture of the YOUCAT along with the activity you are engaging in to promote it, preferably a Christ-like activity, for example, spreading the Good News.

24. Oh, but that gift of free choice, the Gospel is simply not to be forced on anyone, it must be freely accepted.  

25. Our history of fallen human activity reveals a heap of bad choices that have led to much evil.  

26. But all is not lost, Christians are still confident of whom wins in the end.  

27. According to Wikipedia, Trinidad and Tobago is the birthplace of the Calypso, a style of Afro-Caribbean music, a broad term for varied styles of music originating in the Caribbean.  

a.) The 400 year long trans-Atlantic slave trade resulted in displaced African people to these areas. 

b.) Their history and the history of their descendants living in the Caribbean played a part in influencing these musical styles.  

c.) Slavery, having robbed us of seeing the human dignity in our brothers and sisters allowed the exploitation of human beings in the name of economic progress.  

d.) This kind of slavery also made many of us racists. 

28. God gives us the potential, the freedom of choice, to make good things come about bad situations; the Calypso is a small example of such good.  Maybe we will ultimately defeat evil; evils like racism, slavery, human trafficking, etc.  But first a conversion must happen interiorly in each and every one of us.  Christ promises this as possible but he also allows, in freedom, each and every one us to discern God's will for our own, individual part to play.

29. In freedom, I can sit and practice simple rhythm patterns like the Calypso Middle Drum part all day long until perfected or I could just turn on the radio and go completely free-style on the conga drums; really having a lot of fun in the process, trying to make up my own patterns as I go.  The newer you are to drumming, the worse this second option will sound, literally.  

a.) The free-style is certainly fun to do but it's only after you have had the discipline of learning simple patterns like the Calypso that your brain starts working together with your hands.  

b.) Only then do you have true freedom to improvise and /or create rhythm accompaniments that really get the job done and the crowd moving with the beat.

30. Today, if we're not careful, other forms of supposed freedoms (slavery) will soon consume us.  

It's not breaking news that the music and entertainment business itself is ripe with snares and traps: addictions, one night stands, drug and alcohol abuse, pride, did I say addictions, conceit, overt sensuality, contempt for others, deceit, selfishness, and oh yeah, addictions - and this is just the short list. 

31. Yes it all feels good for the short term anyway, who can deny it? 

32. Speaking of addictions: 
  • addictions aren't enabling, 
  • addictions aren't enjoying the good life, 
  • addictions aren't liberating, 
  • addictions don't care about children, other family members, or our neighbors,
  • addictions simply aren't cool - you may say one day, God willing, addiction free, when you look back at all the carnage left in the wake of such addictions.  
33. The author of the addictions?  The question remains for debate but I'll say the devil attacks, even harder, Christian acts and those acts supplying role models for younger audiences. Harder but subtlety - you don't even realize you're working together.  The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis presents an enlightened, prophetic interpretation of just how the devil might be working among us today.

34. What human person can really look you in the face and tell you that they are exempt from attacks of the devil?  A non-believer?  Yeah right, these are his easiest targets.  I too have been listening to "the news" lately about Miley Cyrus.  Her "all grown up" act has caused a bit of an uproar.  I try not to worry too much.  After all, God still loves her to a degree that you can't even fathom and will wait very patiently, if need be, for her complete return to Him.  In the meantime please join with me in prayer for her and other suffering souls so that one day, they too will be able to do the same for us; we really do need each other's prayers in this day and age.

35. "Before, we were slaves, but today we are empowered to reign under the protection of Christ." (St. Cyprian, Treatise on the 'Our Father', 13)

"...if we really mean that God is our father, we will struggle to behave as his worthy children." (St. Cyprian, Treatise on the 'Our Father', 11)

"We must be something great then, since the loving God, who has created and redeemed us, places such value on us." Saint Jean-Marie Vianney, The Cure of Ars (Youcat Prayer Book -Christopher Cardinal Schoenborn)

G2 Bullet 8 - Topic A1, Tradition and Word. Why We Are Able to Believe: Existence.
1.) In Matthew 22:2 Jesus likens the reign of God to what?
2.) Who does Jesus tell us he is in John 14:6?
3.) In his letter to Timothy, 1 Tim 2:3-4, St. Paul tells us what about God's desire for us?
4.) From 1 John 4:16 complete the sentence: God is ______?
5.) In John 17:3 what is eternal life?
6.) In Acts 4:12, St. Peter reveals there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.  Who is St. Peter naming?

G2 Bullet 9 - YOU Practice Lesson G2.  If you want measurable results - try to practice both your faith and drumming at least 30 minutes a day.  

a.) Playing simple rhythms on a daily basis can be similar in repetition to (but never used in place of) a prayer recitation of at least one Our Father.  Try to pray it slowly and deliberately.  

b.) Did you know that a typical weekday Mass lasts right at 30 minutes?  Try attending a weekday Mass in addition to a Sunday Mass and watch your relationship with the Holy Trinity deepen.  

c.) Practice perfects the one undergoing the repetitious movement; either naturally or supernaturally.  

d.) Answered prayers are reminders of God's supernatural order present in our very own lives.  The Church teaches the fruitful value of a sound prayer life; my family and I, can give personal testimony to the effectiveness of daily prayer.  Practice makes perfect! 

G2 Bullet 10 - Table Task:  Surrender.  Work on forming a deeper, more personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ.   Have you ever crated an indoor dog for a while, maybe while  running an errand,  only to arrive back to find your dog just trembling to burst out of the cage to greet you and shower you with affection?  Surrender.  Open any cages that you might have created in keeping the love of Christ from enveloping your life.   Before you practice the Middle Calypso, before you start your day, take a deep breath and ask God to make his presence known to you in a tangible, concrete way.

G2 Bullet 11 - Basic Notation (1) handout: study it.

G2 Bullet 12 - Counting (1) handout: study it.

Gray Level Syllabus

"Time For The Table" The Way and Means