Friday, June 30, 2023

Dire Predictions


atomics are made to be used.

take the world’s nuclear 

arsenal; a deterrent?

or a deferment until 

a later date; a high 

rise of hate. do grievous 

sins mitigate in the realm 

of eternal time?

only in One, Infinite. 

forget yourselves, finite 

people, unless you find your

Grace, you’re as good as finished.


Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, June 24, 2023



At long last, something that’s gone right!

There! It’s been recorded by sight.

What went right is forever right,

Will stay right, way beyond the night.

It’s been written for all to see,

To be seen throughout history,

(Can’t be stolen, no remission

Or corruption; her admission)

And far into posterity:

“By Your word, be it unto me.”



Till then we had been terrified,

But now a tiny infant lied,

Swaddled and warmed in a manger,

Humbled, but to know no stranger.

And each one gazed at the other,

The Lord and His Holy Mother;

Generations have called her “Blessed,”

For her faith that’s never wavered.

In fact, the more Christ lives in me,

The more my heart pounds for Mary:

A young virgin, just a new teen,

Notre Dame, and now Royal Queen.

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, June 17, 2023

By the Man above

Most men, maligned, manage their wealth

An end in itself; collect,

Count, clutch it, a metric of health, 

Rooted in the ground and kept

In account, foreign to nature;

Men berate men without love

And act as lord of the creature;

Set straight by the Man above.

My peaceful property rocked raw

By hard, scattershot hail stones,

Speeding down, pelting; I clenched my jaw,

The repressed gut moans and groans

Goaded by a lack of control;

Helpless, hapless holder of

Idols acquired to lift my soul;

Set straight by the Man above.

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, June 10, 2023

It Must Follow


Yes, Christ indeed from death did rise,

As seen by eyes,

And told by scribes,

Who wrote the lines;

Our day to day devotion prayer.

Of sin and snare

He set us free,

To live, to be!

In love with Love, no greater love,

So high above

The world’s; our Friend,

In truth transcend!

Gary Edward Geraci 

Saturday, June 3, 2023



I let her know when I go to confession,

Its frequency alone should tell her I’m a

Great sinner in need of her constant prayer. 

But why risk it; I ask for her copious prayers.

The vow: a vocation to married life,

The sins: for the ears of the Confessor,

The amends: a spiritual director,

The Sacraments: the daily medicine,

The fulcrum on which my salvation balances.

Gary Edward Geraci