Saturday, September 24, 2022

Comfort In Seeing You


The comfort in seeing you again,

In all our travels

To find you in service to the Lord,

Wherever we may go.

My kindred, brother and sister,

Here you are once more,

Your difficulties no less than mine.

Yet we gather today.

A curious thing about our faith,

It’s rooted in a Person!

The  perseverance to persist

Is as timeless as we sit!

Persecution though subtle and slight

Deters us not the least,

It’s no more a hindrance now,

Than two thousand years ago.

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Paper Serpent in Camo


Snake sneaks, skulks, every soul 

Since Adam’s infected; the purity 

Of motives stained by dread disease; control

At best compromised, worst lost; parity

With God! the serpent’s pitch.

Papered behind every good deed, poison:

More than a slight tickle for fame, the itch

For stardom, status and recognition.

Sower of doubts scuttles 

Flat and in cloud colored camo; confused, 

Muddled abstractions sown; seed struggles

In weeds; the concreteness of crops refused.

Thrust to head a Heel; bruised,

In a slight shift the sleight of hand is bound

And blind men in binds find that they are loosed

And salvation for sinners can be found.

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, September 10, 2022



Hope is the black cast boot 

waiting across the bed 

for the boy in the bed 

whose brain has stopped working. 

In boisterous play (for hundreds have prayed) 

now kicking up dust while 

compressing the leg whose 

bones and brain are quite quickly healing. 

Hope is the black cast boot 

waiting across the bed, pointing to Heaven, 

where the boy in the bed whose brain had stopped working 

has gone now for everlasting play.

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Linguistic Revolution


Tinnitus and shiny objects,

Rings and are soon spent,

While love, beauty, and wisdom

Given don’t strip the giver.

So the folly in forcing a linguistic revolution 

Upon souls at large…

Which person creates his existence

Or chooses the type of creature she is?

Wholly contingent, the world truly

Doesn’t need and could go on without them.

So the folly in forcing a linguistic revolution

Upon society at large…

The Author shrinks from a character’s pride?

The protagonist who rebuffs the storyline

Knows not the Will of its Creator Whom

Seeks its Highest Good in Ways known to Him alone.

So the folly in forcing a linguistic revolution 

Upon God at large…

Gary Edward Geraci