Sunday, May 28, 2017

Deus Vult!

Deus Vult!
God will it!
Holy Writ.
The Way full;
Time truthful;
Fruitful earth
A new birth.

Deus Vult!
God will it!
Spirit filled.
Christ himself;
Gift of self;
Itself one
New kingdom.

Deus Vult!
God will it!
Just one guide.
My path straight;
Straits of life
Cause no strife.

- Gary Edward Geraci

Friday, May 19, 2017


No longer invisible, 
Motherly types: sensible,
Fawning and preening 
Over his lines, he's dreaming:
A moment of joy,
Becoming a boy,
"I'm certain to have arrived!"
Taking a curtain, the bow contrived. 
Tucked into bed real close, 
Covers drawn to the nose, 
Arms down by his sides, 
A smile he hides,
Soft, gentle, love now,
A kiss on each eyebrow.
What's not to be liked 
About getting "Likes?"

  • Gary Edward Geraci

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Candle

Of Christ
The world
Of light.

The Twelve's
The Church
The word.

A monk's
A nun's
A priest's
Of earth.

The Saint's
My six
A. M.

One Light,
The Same,
One Flame
Burn Bright!

  • Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Man Awake

What's this calm that surrounds the most heinous crime?
The World Trade Towers, Sandy Hook, Columbine.

A soldier loses her life to an IED.
A bird still sings, flying; in a blue sky; lands in The Ivy Tree.

In the wake of the hurricane, 
Soft sea breezes,
Flowers and leaves,
Gently swaying,
Butterflies and bees playing.

The Son of God made man nailed to a cross.
One last drop of blood splatters the ground.
The sky darkens and then clears.
A Mother wipes her tears.

While nature appears indifferent, life's not a lasting city.
That which is evil in the world & flesh; the devil, 
Is not sufficient, just passing through, a pity.
Solidly defeated; revel!

Tiny, bitty evils like pinhead sized raised dimples lost in the enormous goods of a gigantic super smooth sheet of cellophane cling wrap large enough to trap all of the earth's works.
Death has lost the final word.
God freely gives, make no mistake.
God freely takes, choosing our death He makes.
Man awake, choosing the life he eternally takes.

  • Gary Edward Geraci

Sunday, May 7, 2017

The Suffer Ring

The pounding frontal lobes and nausea,
Waking me, many mornings of the month.
Cursing would be wasted and ignoble
Joining them to the Lord's, the more noble.
Aches, pains, and weaknesses – don't they get it?
Not because of one's sins but for one's sins
And for those sins of the world's entire.
Wearing the crown of a co-redeemer.
Hurts, beatings, and gaffes, may the Kingdom come.
Coronation: the scepter they will shun.
Victim soul? Saint John Paul II leans, staff supporting!
Fully adorned among the world's hurting.
Pain, poverty - transformed; eternal comforting:
Royal robe, a fatted calf, the suffer ring.

- Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Alongside a Lover

A small leap of faith; forthcoming, 
Falling deep, the abyss avoided.
A gentle kinship with a Person living
True love invites; unmanipulated.
A response, 
A choosing, 
A self-doing.
Facts stacked, reasons in and out of seasons
A heart and will now inflamed now moving.
Talked into believing a revered Being's
Unending love for me?
Free to ignore,
Free to reject,
Free to resent,
What will it be?
Free to implore my supernatural Other.
A small leap of faith; journeying, 
Alongside a Lover.
- Gary Edward Geraci