Saturday, September 28, 2019

Mayan Mayhem

I took a tour of a Mayan 
Temple and this teenager was 
Torn up by the turn of the guides 
Telling of the events; groaning 
For the loss of the indigenous 
People’s right to heave humans off 
The top of the stone towers. Even 
More groans when he learned it was those 
“Damn, colonizing, Catholic 
Spaniards” whom converted those poor 
Souls, killing their temple culture;
Teaching Christ which all pointed to.

-Gary Edward Geraci

Chapel Crickets

Today, while praying
In the chapel before
The Most Blessed Sacrament
I observed a cricket crawling

Along the wall made
Of real wood panels. I saw
Live potted plants, statues,
And other human beings; prayed

To you my Lord, their Lord;
The cricket’s; Lord, the Lord
Of the potted plants and 
The wood panels too and toward

This end, it dawned upon me
that you are the Lord of all
Things; holding them, visible
And invisible, and to be

My Lord! I found it easy
To cast my gaze upon You,
To love others as myself;
To be a light: your great glory!

-Gary Edward Geraci 

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Convinced and Pointing

Point people to the philosophers
Point people to the famed paintings
Point people to the profound poets
Point people to the poignant prose
Point people to the learned prophets
Point people to the parishes
Point people to the well formed prayers
Point people to the priestly priests
Point people to the humble popes

Point people to the catechists
Point people to the apologists
Point people to the broad networks
Point people to the Sacraments
Where Jesus Christ is pointing to you

-Gary Edward Geraci

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

One Sacrificial Union Between God and His Church, Man and His Wife

the Eucharist is
the Body and Blood risen:
our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Gary Edward Geraci

17T/17B, 5-7-5 Haiku

Saturday, September 14, 2019


Churning boiling splashing swirling air infused white 
Caps glistening rumbling aft forces propelling 
Vibrations blue deep blue cut angry and disturbed 
Frothing mad a paleness flat rising and falling 

This highway left behind its visibility 
Disintegrating into nets of sea froth whom 
Will ever travel forth this same path of water 
No one knows for sure thick panels of glass frosted

Panes solid immovable hurricane force wind 
Resistant slow sways and sprays lines of light brown sea 
Matter cutting paths toward the tyrannical 
Wake water blown apart formation scattered as 

Far as the eye can see a long flat line even 
Our relentless trail traverses only about 
Half this visible distance before being lost
Swallowed up forever nothing lasting and all 

Just passing into angled panes stained by streaks of 
Ocean salt and ship cleansers while brisk breezes and
A swelling a rising a reclamation to 
Reclaim that which was lost just momentarily 

Melded back together that volume of sea split 
Apart by an imposing bulk a bow so fixed
Rudely separated by revelers travelers 
In a steel hull shell of a structure determined

Disturbed yet transfixed by this hypnotic process 
Of PEACE making to regain a semblance of its 
Stolid demeanor to permit man’s steel hard shelled 
Device to pass through sea foam with no objections 

With no outwardly objections other than this 
Dissipating sea foam trail this dissipation 
This missive sea foam trail that only the sparse inhabitants 
Immediately ABOVE and below might care to read.

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Just How Things Are

i believe it’s true 
very few people believe 
in You otherwise 
these seats would be filled and the 
crowd would be red on its knees

Gary Edward Geraci

Not Just Slightly Perfected

I Baptismus

An improved version 
Of yourself? No. You 
Won’t want to lust anymore. 
The absence of the evil 
Fall of fallenness 
Will be palatable, 
A gain. 

II Reconciliationis

No slick of nudes,
Draught of vodka,
Or hit of weed 
Will measure up to
This; no
Press of flesh,
Push of power,

III Communio

Blast of freedom,
Will top this.
They’d be simply
Too human.
Rather like bland
And stale and so yesterday.
For this new and 

IV Confirmationis

Eternal glorified 
State, this new you, 
Is the you you
Were always known 
To be in the eyes 
Of your Maker, melded,
The heart of your Creator, 

V Matrimonium

Before these earthly errors, 
And earthbound corruptions.
So Amen: there simply 
Has not been, nor will there 
Ever be, another one
Flesh union quite like us!
Ah, a fine cliche? 

VI Ordines

A command brother!
Commanded into being;
An act of love first and 
While you were yet powerless. 
And you’d want nothing 
Less, after all, being in 
The presence of such a 

VII Unctionem

Magnificent Lover.
The fulfillment of all
Nubile people, nudge and
Play, prurient prose and
Salacious symbol making;
Scabrous stanzas of twentieth
Century thought simply seeking Purity.

-Gary Edward Geraci

Monday, September 2, 2019

Look Up Look Down All On Our Phones

Yes, this is just how things are.
Work today to pay this bill...
Touch to send, you seem so far.

Tap to text my words bizarre;
You’re within arm’s length - but still.
Yes, this is just how things are.

I’d write “say look up, that Star!”
“Can’t, my vision blurred, this pill.”
Touch to send, you seem so far.

The apartment paid, this car
Is new, the payment due still.
Yes, this is just how things are.

Avoid my best: a test or spar,
“I think I’m gonna be ill.”
Touch to send, you seem so far.

We’re separate we’re afar
All according to our will.
Yes, this is just how things are,
Touch to send, you seem so far.

  • Gary Edward Geraci