Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Dressed as a narcissist

Journey with the narcissist.
Race with the self seeker.
See the attention of the world.
Garrisons and forts?
Egalitarian and proletariats?
Edwardian self-satisfaction!

- Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Candy anyone?

Candy anyone? Me I prefer crumpets and tea for some people speak of faith in God as something too weak too sweet to be outgrown something to strongly resist rise above something to allow the intellect to transpire beyond the belittling horizons of this which is archaic of this which is repressive of this which is misogynistic of this which has burned by fire witches on stakes in Salem a mistake the sum total of this which this line of thinking is six hundred and sixty six simply does not add up this command of the intellect this use of reason and Aristotelian logic honing the low down drives of the animal sensual desires indeed something profound something transcendent allowing one to pass through waking conscience within the defining realization of ontological truth cleansing consolations that coexist only in higher ordered thinking a little effort a little discipline unlocking unveiling a pleasantly surprised inspired protégé safely held from harms in the arms of Emmanuel, man distantly safe from the reductionist’s knife which would quite willingly cut vibrant and lived experiences into neat little squares of materialistic confectionaries for immediate consumption by the sugary high – sugar rushed (just the greedy and incoherent) jocular academia still testing theories within the confining rubbery bounds of scientific licorice like empiricism.  Candy anyone?

- Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Memory Divine

Perfection in creation is God’s from day one. 
Squandering, our first parents, the inheritance won,
Sin entered the world, the pile of it impoverishing everyone.
Our Memory Divine, suffering not; we’re known for whom we truly are. 

Royalty, undefiled beauty, our filiation is divine.
Would we contemplate and show gratitude for that which is sublime.
“He entrusts his truth, to our weak hands, to our weak minds.”
Consenting to love and engaging grace; we’re victors of this hellish war.

- Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, October 14, 2017

All First a Gift

billboards, copper wires and computers with integrated circuit boards, sawed lumber for sale in board feet, tunnel boring machines, a market of kind of bored teenagers with Beats headphones and file sharing music apps, space shuttles, rocket ships, visible stone aggregates in the concrete steps and galvanized metal handrails to ascend while praying, all first a gift.

electric power grids charging, bare wire conductors, networks of live currents pushing life sustenance into elevated water tanks, storing pumped water quenching thirsty lines, miles and miles, flowing faucets, and flowering  spigots downhill, spent and tired wastewater destined to treatment plants to be stripped and injected with new life then released into new 

streams of consciousness underlain by the soil, sand, and gravel extracted to be shared among the all consuming building projects hungry first for foundations, earth metals refined and shaped make mighty towers that send and receive digital communication messages in the millions to and from the masses, natural resources that we did not first create, all first a gift.

high pressure distillation and steam produces products for the prominent and poor alike, pomade hair gel walking down the promenade to the bank of portable porcelain, no, plastic potties, bright bulbs, hot stoves, hamburger patties, and rain showers, silk flowers and a trip to the automatic teller, appliances, and washing machines, tell me are these not all first a gift? 

human creativity, spirit and ingenuity too, drive throughs, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, potatoes and stew, Berlin garden chairs, real hair wigs, plants and twigs with medicinal potential, migraine medication, healthcare and hearing aids, vacation resorts, interstates, governments, legal constitutions, automotive shops, junk yards, mobile home parks, city and suburb flats, Apple Pay, smart phone checking deposits, electronic GPS and paper maps, shuttered paper plants, newspapers, wallpaper and micro bandaids for paper cuts and paper mache puppets, plant based pigments for paint, tree sap for rubber and chewing gum, patents, trademarks, and copyrights for invention, pirate and hacker prevention, educational institutions, law and order intervention, monetary systems, churches and temples, stock markets, fish markets, farmer markets, correctional facilities, mental institutions, immigration and pregnancy centers, all first a gift.

weapons of mass destruction, the warped realities of the insolent and ungrateful rabble, with mean miens - evil refusing the gift, grabs the apple, pride our own making, selfishly taking, a perversion freely chosen, war, hunger, weeds, disease, pests, disasters, poverty, rust, decay, drugs, blight, bullets, theft, fornication, infidelity. Moral and Virtue, learned and practiced, all first a gift. 

earth, sun, moon, air, rain, wind, and the ozone layer, natural gifts like gravity and fire, a perilously precise cosmological constant (I perspire!), all first a gift. guardian angels, our life, our death, all first a gift, heavenly eternity too. that little brown raw hide leather book that I draw out of a black leather satchel, taking my next breath, before penning this final line, all first a gift. God the good giver...yes, all first a gift.

- Gary Edward Geraci

Monday, October 9, 2017

Street Dogs

Skinny street dog leashed to the seven-year old schoolgirl wearing Toughskins from Sears shipped in from another country some thousand miles away seated on the front steps of a Seventh Day Adventist Church located on south Second Street while her sweating brother scratches and skates by on a cart missing a wheel recently retrieved from the landfill located in their neighborhood while she plays with the sixteen spent oyster shells and plastic bags that he brought her all spread out on the sectioned sidewalk leading into the building where all people that enter give glory to God for His overabundance of blessings.
- Gary Edward Geraci

Thursday, October 5, 2017


My looks of lust have objectified at least Fifty-nine human beings and so who am I to judge a murderer in cold blood with one bullet to objectify another with one look in the eyes of God which one is worse than the other? To turn them into objects of pleasure to strip them of all dignity failing to reverence femininity and complementarity the noble goal of procreation to build the kingdom the tearing apart of human dignity browsing pornographic images - what is that? Commodifying original innocence?

Fifty-nine empty seats in Sunday school Fifty-nine minutes where no-one comes to the confessional Fifty-nine first person shooter video games Fifty-nine DVDs of intense violent death killing mauling hating ninety-minutes long each one Fifty-nine years of denying John Chapter 6 verse Fifty-nine 

Fifty-nine thousand dollar down payment on a Bentley Continental Flying Spur one-hundred thousand US dollars cash wired to Manila Philippines Fifty-nine high dollar spins of the roulette wheel and Fifty-nine high dollar hands of blackjack with a comped corner hotel suite on the thirty-second floor of the Mandalay Bay 

Foolish frivolous
I am a coward
Fleeting pleasures
Tomorrow too
Yet nothing satisfies
Nothing satisfies 
I need more and more
Nothing satisfies
Eternal judgment mine

Fifty-nine minutes before singing "God Bless America" Fifty-nine minutes unloading two hundred injured bodies into the ER Fifty-nine hours of news coverage dizzying iPhone videos Fifty-nine point font headlines Fifty-eight lifeless bloodied battered bodies on the square next to a Las Vegas boulevard plus One hanging, eternally, in Calvary makes Fifty-nine.
- Gary Edward Geraci