Saturday, October 28, 2017

Candy anyone?

Candy anyone? Me I prefer crumpets and tea for some people speak of faith in God as something too weak too sweet to be outgrown something to strongly resist rise above something to allow the intellect to transpire beyond the belittling horizons of this which is archaic of this which is repressive of this which is misogynistic of this which has burned by fire witches on stakes in Salem a mistake the sum total of this which this line of thinking is six hundred and sixty six simply does not add up this command of the intellect this use of reason and Aristotelian logic honing the low down drives of the animal sensual desires indeed something profound something transcendent allowing one to pass through waking conscience within the defining realization of ontological truth cleansing consolations that coexist only in higher ordered thinking a little effort a little discipline unlocking unveiling a pleasantly surprised inspired protégé safely held from harms in the arms of Emmanuel, man distantly safe from the reductionist’s knife which would quite willingly cut vibrant and lived experiences into neat little squares of materialistic confectionaries for immediate consumption by the sugary high – sugar rushed (just the greedy and incoherent) jocular academia still testing theories within the confining rubbery bounds of scientific licorice like empiricism.  Candy anyone?

- Gary Edward Geraci