Saturday, September 30, 2017

Eating Beauty

I'm eating Beauty
man and woman so contained
He created them

- Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Mercenary Lover

Married for money and 
Wealth; patiently waiting for 
Death do us part.

Decorated soldier of fortune;
Overseas for political
Gain later.

Best of friends because she
Holds the key to the next rung of
The ladder.

Loving God for God alone-
No; for consolations,
Safety, and health!

Calculating and contemptible,
Love like this
Is mercenary.

Cilice, sackcloth, and hairshirt
Worn by an albino numerary.
(named Silas)

- Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Mud Puddles

Little boys playing in the brown mud
Toy dump trucks building reservoirs
Took a hose to fill it - with Water

God playing in the red dirt dug out
A human form only one time
Took a nose to fill it - with Spirit

Nothing's been the same since 
a bright electric green Carolina Anole 
in a Texas humid summer black oak tree 
while Vivaldi baroque sonatas and cannoli 
and coffee play and provoke the senses making 
sense of a scented blue paper origami turtle taking
time while a team of pea size featherlight flower balls 
go power racing down the baking black asphalt street 
tickling, having fallen from pink and white crêpe myrtle trees 

- Gary Edward Geraci

Sunday, September 10, 2017

On the Fence

I will send Him to you; fire and love divine.
Scratch, ruffling, flipping, and flopping feathers flitter,
Wounded white-winged dove on the red cedar fence line.

Crossed paths with a lead pellet September fly-in,
Soaring high wind flight, buckshot bead barely hit her.
I will send Him to you; fire and love divine.

Concrete birdbath cleansing, clear, and cool to recline,
Restoring, resting, fit not to fly but not a quitter.
Wounded white-winged dove on the red cedar fence line.

Since long ago, love so pure, nothing can outshine,
Clouded, stench filled souls translucent and aglitter.
I will send Him to you; fire and love divine.

Hardened hearts hounding heavy yokes heed the hard line,
Pursuing passing pleasures, love starved and bitter.
Wounded white-winged dove on the red cedar fence line.

Dearest adored, chased, and loved yet you do decline?
Unrequited love, pride of self to embitter.
I will send Him to you; fire and love divine.
Wounded white-winged dove on the red cedar fence line.

- Gary Edward Geraci

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

I Wrote the Check

Telltale spots of rash, could mean only one thing, I've been struck again, with a bout of poison ivy on the skin. Why my Lord do you permit me to suffer such? Have I not turned my life around enough? Isn't it true a serpent leapt out and bit Saint Paul on the finger and an assassin's bullet struck and passed through the body of Pope Saint John Paul II, two mighty warriors of the Church? We feel like we are invincible, because of our many practices of piety, but oh how soon we forget, the value of suffering and reparation, for the sins of our past, and for the sins of the whole world. While I prayed I begged you for an answer, oh why me Lord, don't I serve you well enough? You were sure to send me back an answer, because you always do, I tell, and sure to form what I've witnessed, time and time again, your answer was suddenly there, right before me, oh well. A new marker on the columbarium, just outside of daily Mass, the name of a child that I never held, alas! A child whom would never be touched and admired, for her healthy beauty and soft skin. Suddenly I knew, no suffering you could permit, would ever feel like enough, to make up for the loss of someone, so helpless and so pure. I should count my blessings from above, and thank little Helen Marie, for thinking so lovingly enough of me, to send an answer to my prayer. I may not have been the one, to drive the nails into my Lords hands and feet, some 2000 years ago, but indeed some 30 years ago, I wrote the check that drove, the instruments of death, toward that someone, certainly, just as innocent. Now without complaint, this poison ivy of the skin, I do suffer and offer, for my sins and for those sins of the whole world.

- Gary Edward Geraci

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Safe Rooms for the Pusillanimous

You spew more pompous pedantry
Than a sixty inch principal 
Spillway pipe flowing from a full
Reservoir filled by rainfall, three
Feet in less than twenty four, presently
Steady rising water level; visual
Picture of hell to the local political
With the doomsday media there to see.

Just so happens, your ignorance contained,
The dam retards the crisis as designed.
Those who believe are more than half-brained,
Seeking the safe room you're just kept blind.
Facing the turbulence and bloodstained,
It's resisting the flow that saves mankind.

- Gary Edward Geraci

Friday, September 1, 2017

My Food Is You

Sort of blinding loyal glee
Held in kindly awe of me.
Perfect company you are
Searching, thirsting from afar,
You'd never leave me alone.
Your love fills me to the bone.
Author of love you're completely mine,
My food is you, both bread and wine.

- Gary Edward Geraci