Saturday, September 23, 2017

Mercenary Lover

Married for money and 
Wealth; patiently waiting for 
Death do us part.

Decorated soldier of fortune;
Overseas for political
Gain later.

Best of friends because she
Holds the key to the next rung of
The ladder.

Loving God for God alone-
No; for consolations,
Safety, and health!

Calculating and contemptible,
Love like this
Is mercenary.

Cilice, sackcloth, and hairshirt
Worn by an albino numerary.
(named Silas)

- Gary Edward Geraci

1 comment:

  1. This is an "American Sentence" styled poem (the American Sentence was invented by the poet Allen Ginsberg and consists of a single sentence of seventeen syllables) written in pure syllabic meter and in six stanzas of three lines each (one American Sentence per stanza). Based on a Homily by Bishop Robert Barron titled "Going Beyond a Mercenary Love for God."
