Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Cultural Cry of the U.S. Nonreligious Spiritualist

“we have replaced the
‘god of revelation’ with:

- Gary Edward Geraci

1 comment:

  1. My 5-7-5 Haiku poem (with 17 syllables in the title of the poem as well) was written seconds after reading this headline and article.
    “Archbishop Naumann: ‘We Are Called to Renew Our Nation: United States Needs Religious Revival, Kansas City Shepherd Tells National Catholic Prayer Breakfast” [National Catholic Register, June 10, 2018]. The following excerpt was especially poignant in the creation of my poem: “The archbishop said this mentality of a nonreligious spiritualism is akin to “a new paganism,” where the God of Revelation has been transformed into a god or gods who are created to reinforce individual desires.” The purposeful lowercase treatment of ‘god of revelation’ in my poem is as it is imagined to be spoken by the the nonreligious spiritualist speaking through my poem; indicating a lack of belief/reverence in the One, God of Revelation as taught by monotheistic religions. Instead, the capitalization is applied to that which can be said is largely worshipped in today’s culture: genitalia. By the way, your poet, your’s truly, prior to meeting his good Catholic wife and reverting to the Catholicism of his youth, considered himself a nonreligious spiritualist, for almost 30 years! A dead end! Dear Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner!
