Saturday, April 29, 2017

Upside Down

This trade seems sweet and peachy,
Few make big and get richer.
Gunmetal, magazines, and rivets...
"In your better sense you'd leave it,
Finding a 'good cause' and giving.
Why don't you wait, just jibber.
Effects to the innocents are nothing less than jarring."
You and your conscience are arguing,
Sounding the bells, whistles, and alarms.
Upside down with black market arms.

- Gary Edward Geraci 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Raphia Regalis Leaves

God directs life's journey but wont force the hand: creating foliage and leaves - man might understand.
From the smallest to the grandest need there be more? Allusions to human happiness there are four.
Consuming and procreating: collecting Wolffia leaves floating on a sluggish stream.
Gathering degrees and acquiring initials: counting orange fat fish slicing below Hermine water lily leaves.
Giving and receiving indissoluble love, as in the beginning, between Adam and Eve: unfolding and unfolding of subtropical Banana leaves, blowing in the gentlest and stiffest of breezes.
Discovering perfect beauty, love, truth, justice, and being: uniting entirely in Raphia Regalis leaves.
- Gary Edward Geraci