Sunday, August 27, 2017

My Medals

Accumulating medals, 
why do I feel so empty and crass?

Praying before the most Blessed Sacrament...
wearing the brown scapular; I go to daily Mass;
give my confession every other week-
end, weekly as of late 'cause of frailties 
and defects I can't escape or shake the
venial sins that strip grace from my soul
clogging the wings I need to fly with mud;
prayer hours while working...

Collecting my medals,
one too many for just a layman?

The Kingdom of heaven is at hand...
reading every spiritual book I can 
get my hands on; pictures of the saints;
multiple crucifixes; a Monk prayer 
app; even a home holy water fount;
a sacred space in the house, my retreat;
don't eat; pocket bible goes everywhere I do 
'cause the Pope said to...

Some collect guns and bullets,
could I just collect my medals you say?

A Jesus statue in the backyard...
one of His Mother in the front; I pray
a daily family Rosary because I'd never love Him less by loving His mother more; giving
and sharing alms and social media messages; 
six o'clock rises for morning prayer: dear God
make haste to save me from temptations;
acts of humility....

The weight of 
my medals
I fear they 
will pull me 
down to the 
pit of Hades!

It is true, on any given day, I'll be bombarded by an equal number of enticing, sensually captivating, technologically sophisticated, consumer goods; angry coworkers, conniving colleagues, and impertinent churchgoers bent on proving I've got six heads; sumptuous fine foods and wine; real fetal body parts for sale; friendly FaceBook "friends" and trolling troublemaking males making up fake news; scantily dressed females, their own private body parts available on pay-by-the-minute picture screens, picture that! (better yet don't); and screens upon screen of violent moving pictures laced with explosive, explicitly laced expletives, screams of ideology, hate, sex, gender blending and identity politics, just weighing down my spirit like lead metal because, don't you see, it's HERE where I get my medals.

All the rest 
are simply 
little love 
present in
moments and 
scattered through-
out the day 
ing what world, 
devil and the 
flesh WILL. Try
to smother
me by sin!
Throwing it 
all my way!
Either way 
without love,
Christ to love,
what's the point?

- Gary Edward Geraci

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Make Haste

Ten kid mom kneeling on the prie-dieu,
Her youngest had fallen and hit the floor,
While running through the church gallery door.
The nine ahead now slide into a pew.
An old, kind woman stumbling on her shoe,
Trying to avoid the whole mishap, poor
Sense of balance and shaken to the core,
Flying past the buttress, harmed not, who knew?

Lancet windows may well narrate the scene,
Two thousand year history yet risks increase.
Pinnacles and steeples, man He creates,
Dotting the hills like jewels for a Queen.
While chapels radiate, no hazards cease,
His saving power, all nations and states.

- Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Parched Lips

What beauty, charm and all allure exude,
The Pinoy woman's pinched lips do allude,
A baby tightly held, love's wellspring flows.

A playful slap, quick pinch, play swirl delight
That baby girl she holds; pursed lips, eyes bright
Soft powdered skin and feet exposed, joy flows.

For husband, son, and best friend too delight,
Her focus shifts with hugs, pressed lips, new might
Of love displayed unknown, now known, new flows.

One's culture may express or dictate how
Love is to be expressed or given now.
Love is parched lips, an opened side, Blood flows.

- Gary Edward Geraci

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


The Om, the Grand Som;
nearby the Carthusian monks
bask in the grand silence
of the La Grande Chartreuse
contemplating the great
Lover of mankind.
Silence is indeed what
Western culture desires
without knowing...

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, August 5, 2017

level 4 happiness

nobody gets her but
Father Robert Spitzer
Jesuits possess some-
thing higher than Wisdom
salt and pepper pooch 
brown cassock never crass 
that's one hot Schnauzer 
living in a monastery 
check your browser 
One among many 
Franciscan friars 
jumping into the foray 
speaking to Shubunkin 
pond dwellers as only 
a canine can do
on two hind legs
to pumpkin heads and
immortal souls longing
like a man eating 
a cinnamon bun 
level one
Kilmer, Hopkins, and 
Sassoon, laid the groundwork 
through and through, they knew 
what to do (too high for me they flew)
flying to the moon
level two
compassionate love 
marital commitment
dates one woman for life
serving plates at Saint 
Vincent de Paul's shelter
level three
empathy for others 
perfect truth love justice
goodness beauty home a
loving God pursuing
beatific vision
level four
after that what's more? 
from the pen of David 
Bentley Hart words flow from 
the flowing stream the hart 
drinks from the Heart blood and 
water flow and flower 
hey wonderworker and 
a saint they are people 
too nuns priests brothers monks
TV evangelizers
the pope doesn't fly with 
angelic wings during 
the night after all

- Gary Edward Geraci