Saturday, May 18, 2019

What if...

What if, you ask, you’ve breathed your last and there’s
No light, just blackness? well then, i replied, 
I’ve lived a good life, grateful for that i’d
Been given; i learned to love my neighbors,
Sought to suffer in joyful solidarity,
Cared to conquer vapid vice and raised
Royal palaces on pristine virtue.
Then Jesus was only wise and manly?

You ask. i’d go to the grave proclaiming
Him God! i but cried, for to live in His hope,
I once lived without it, a faith-filled hope:
His promise of eternal life means biding
Time with streaks and glints of bliss in the here
And now. what if, i ask, Heaven shines forth this very hour? 

Gary Edward Geraci

Turning Point

there will come a time 
when you start to doubt the faith
of your unbelief

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Medal of Freedom

Opportunities to fall are ripe, no doubt, to fail: past the ‘best by’ buy date, hidden store stocks,
Gone bad. Look away! A democratic representative accosts a mother and her daughters,

Whom were defying what secularists would deify as primitive, instinctive, reflexive modes of being;
Behaving altruistically while praying silently for the weakest of human beings 

Just moments away from a bell, the death knell bell; hell for unrepentant mankind whom would persist
In the most pronounced yet mumbled sin against humanity; chilling: the killing of her children.

Defenseless forests burn to the ground and innocent land masses slide into useless pools of mud...
And though you may stymie me, my silent speech, with threats, violent shouts of hate, intolerance -(oh ‘tolerant’ one)...

They fall, one by one they fall; our silent prayers fall on ears that hear, hearts that bear to beat; the buildings fall!
And what rises cries to the heavens: new green shoots from blackened ash floors; firm footings grasp rock past the mud lines where my brothers and sisters lie.

New bills pass and buildings fall where a stellar little lady from Calcutta still leaves sonic, saintly shock waves
In her wake. Wake up! “Whatever You Did Unto One Of The Least You Did Unto Me” drew roars of sustained applause except from an uncomfortable few seated in the reserved seating section and flanked by secret service agents. 

Gary Edward Geraci

Friday, May 3, 2019

“Multifaceted Challenges Living a Lay Contemplative Life”

green leaves - no flowers
sweat of my brow - worked hours
‘blind’ bulbs - dig deeper

Gary Edward Geraci

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Crossing Paths

“In memory of William Carlos Williams”

You died in ‘63.
I was born in ‘64.

Crossing paths in heaven,
An impossibility. 

But those that have gone
Do hear from those still here.

The human soul immortal,
Purified, I’ve remembered.

But could you’ve forgotten?
Just I’ve the bright idea.

Either to you or to those
Whom can no longer merit.

Gary Edward Geraci