Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Born as an Infant (Sapphic)

Into humankind he came; looked like every
Other baby; not far from every other
Needing love and nurturing, food: a nursling
Counting on Mary.

Joseph’s trade supplied his apprentice Jesus,
(Working like all others his age, not standing 
Out) providing specification, standards;

Mission territory is opened: Cana’s 
Wedding feast, miraculous feats and nature
Circumvented, followers growing, the dead
Rising; now wanted.

Giving Body to eat Blood to drink he was
Hung; convicted criminal; like all others
Died but rose, ascending; from Heaven feeding;
Worshipers eating.

Coming here and down to us; told us he would
Come throughout the ages, without end, never
Ceasing, always saving, our Lord of patience,
Born as an infant.

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Guiding Light

The warm reflection I see 
while kneeling in the back 
of the church is light reflecting 
and cascading 

over rows of perfectly 
leveled wood pews, perfectly 
seated seating; the pew tops, 
a long runway for soft light,

comforting light, 
drawing light,
relinquishing light. 

Incandescent filaments
filling the space
with sacramental grace,
a sacred space,  

and it makes its way back to me; 
light on wood, it penetrates 
and cuts to my soul 
filling it: 

comfort and consolation, 
inspiration, child like inspiration; 
exactly the place where I need to be.

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Sheaves & Shelves

Sheaves of poems
On printed pages, no one’s
Asking, now collecting dust
On library shelves. Must 

I relegate my verse
To be relevant? Terse,
Copiously edited,
Now I’m credited.

Yes, an accredited poet.
But you’d never know it.
Ethereal, spread digital, line
By line, preservation not mine

To decide but posterity’s: 
Pride to provide, eternity’s
Heavenly side, and those
Whom learned by grace and chose

Still, this gift, to serve others,
The Lord’s sisters and brothers.
So let this His Kingdom come
And what’s earthbound - reduce to none.

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Mighty Power

Mighty Power is nonpareil,
casting not abracadabra
but unparalleled Strength to keep
existence in its entirety
going for just one more minute.

Gary Edward Geraci

Monday, December 2, 2019

You’ve Had Your Eye on Me

That I accept you, know 
brother mine, but rebuffed.
To rebuff this carnal look;
left: respect, dignity unspoiled.

Redirect those soiled desires 
to possess.  Pleading,
consider if you may, 
instead, an eternity 

of love, an eternal love, 
brothers and sisters both
(and me); 
an all encompassing 

love, a love like no 
other, a love that 
will never be strange, 
a Love that will never end.

Gary Edward Geraci