Saturday, June 27, 2020

Saints Defying Sickly Scientism

Double blind tests, a test testing 
best premises, promises state 
Of recipient’s fervor after 
Ingesting a Real Host or rather

A placebo - placed to gather 
What is sacred - tad sacrilege 
In practice - the inward signs of grace 
The internal dispositions.

For forty fixed days of testing, 
A fatal flaw midst the tested, 
Missed the freedom to correspond 
With worthy, chaste, pure, and lovely hearts,

Just and holy, a clean conscience. 
Of such, unknown but to just One. 
Can confinement effect the free? 
The monk’s cell, the inmate’s prison cage?

Both are bound but both are free, 
These and those who receive worthily. 
But some are bound and not at all free 
This we are certain with certainty. 

Yet among the proofs, the best, the saints: 
With lives of sin and near misses, 
New beginnings, they begin and begin 
Again, their gain their sanctity. 

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Silent Beaks Speak

silent beaks speak, 
tucked away for now,  
no longer touched, 
waiting for a delivery, 
no mother in sight, 
she’s been detained, 
her maternal warmth absent, 
a tragedy of touchlessness. 

wait, what could be worse? 
human babies in a hotel room, 
gathered together,  ‘products’ of surrogates, 
flown in like commodities, 
pending, to be packaged and delivered, 
alone, no home, bereft of parents, 
touch, a snuggle, a reassuring Whisper. 
silent beaks speak.

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, June 13, 2020


Fierceness yet folly of Friday night riots
Has me reaching for bands of my past like Slayer,
Slipknot and raging songs about 'angels of
Death' and places 'south of heaven.' I get angrier
With each passing verse and more violent my pulse
Playing 'pulse of the maggots' raising my
Blood pressure beyond a safe 'threshold,' the volume
Increasing, my face contorted, scowling, 'nero forte.'

Plunging, I've plunged into the depths of darkness, a relapse
Into 'Gehenna' I've now experienced, falling 
Downward, driven by ‘daily dialogue’ to 
Feel as you feel, to understand your freefall,
Only to come up again gasping, grasping for Light
Cause 'a saint is a sinner' who tries and keeps trying. 

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, June 6, 2020

To Nature, not to Injury We are Restored to on the Last Day

Tautology free
And tall telling beneath me
Tertullian tells

Gary Edward Geraci

“Any loss sustained by our bodies is an accident to them, but their entirety is their natural property. ... To nature, not to injury are we restored.” Tertullian on the Resurrection of the Flesh, 57.