Serve one another!
Sleek, silver travel trailer;
Go out and tow her.
Gary Edward Geraci
Serve one another!
Sleek, silver travel trailer;
Go out and tow her.
Gary Edward Geraci
Gaze of faith
Gaze on a blitz
Blitz of wisdom
Blitz of seekers
Seekers are finders
Seekers finding love
Love across borders
Love among people
People who pray
People who sing
Sing to attract
Sing to praise
Praise God for the day
Praise God for the night
Night and days theirs
Night a taste of rest
Rest from troubles
Rest in warmth
Warmth is comforting
Warmth living in truth
Truth they seek
Truth the fruit of the search
Search along an inclined path
Search while fully clothed
Clothed in one’s culture
Clothed in the garments
Garments of the lands
Garments of the traditions
Traditions to know
Traditions to find
Find true happiness
Find the Way
Way of peace
Way of communion
Communion with neighbor
Communion with others
Others who too are searching
Others who too want to heal
Heal all that divides
Heal those who hunger
Hunger and thirst
Hunger for the banquet
Banquet of all banquets
Banquet to feed many
Many are called
Many both rich and beggars
Beggars who come to feast
Beggars who become rich
Gary Edward Geraci
What if it really is God
Whom we consume in the small
white tasteless host? Would it really
matter how far apart we were
in place or time? The One and Only,
God, and God consumed! Would this not
be a unity unlike any
other? A unity among
People, one another, a
Communion with each other far
greater than the most lavish, earthly
intercourse ever exchanged or penned or planned?
Gary Edward Geraci
Under the tutelage of Fr. Gerard Manley Hopkins
Clumps of crimson-bright berries clustered close;
Red to catch the light, red to glow in sight,
And numbered, numbering gross
Winter feasts for feeding fowl on berry:
First feed, take flight,
Return to gorge. More! Most
Moist in juice, the cherry
Hued globes - glut of fuel - and sweet in shell; then flight - high and airy.
Would we be so rich in moment,
This shared moment potent,
Fed fully like feathered creatures!
This second excluding no one:
Well in health and playful fun,
Or lost in luck with aching heart.
Wealth is ‘now’: ‘now’ a speeding dart,
‘Now’ a young leader, ‘now’ a truth seeker,
‘Now’ calling himself the Son
Of God. The descent down meant
Rendering also onto Caesar.
Treasure, time, and talent
This eternal minute is a gallant
And noble Teacher,
A giving Teacher, a rich Teacher;
Sharing NOW, a royal Teacher.
Gary Edward Geraci
To choose who I’ll love
Or that all lives matter,
The course of the planet
Or who’ll be President,
Haggles over fracking,
The freedom of press gaggles,
Who’s gonna cross the border,
Women’s rights, where I can worship,
Coronavirus, lockdowns, masks -
Are all just wispy phantoms
If you tear me from the womb.
Gary Edward Geraci