Friday, December 24, 2021

Conifer Columns


The difference in just one-hundred miles west of here!

Majestic longleaf pines toil, East Texas


Catered to by diesel haulers; laid down, cutting clear

Paths; power poles, load stacked trees, clear-cut for new horizons.

Some slated as raw goods for oil sharp saw mills sprung, root

And wrung along rural roads; rough piled, deposited;

Soil sunk under the weight of wood in yards, waiting; soot

Soaring skyward, departing trucks spewing, soon headed

Home, loaded with offerings of new polished craft pews.

Emerald needles turned tea color color streams brown;

Plush pine carpeting, swine delight: roots, wrecks, souse and spews;

Hog heaven! girdling scent markings rub raw forests down.

Hunters emanate, set baited traps, the copse embank;

A carved corpus on the cross; the people pray and thank.

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, December 18, 2021

We are His

we are His, we are His! 

His hands, feet, and mouth,

in a world that madly seeks 

Him, knowing not, set south.


yet, the gnawing, ever 

presence of dire, lone

incompleteness; tires, severs;

obscures one’s true home.

beauty, truth, purest love

are impoverished, pursued

on the ground. above,

passions guarded and checked,

evident everywhere, 

ALL is found, fulfilled 

in God alone. the truth, share

it, seek others to build

upon that which can’t be 

suppressed and is spoken 

the world over. to see;

this too can happen, 

none-the-less, furthering,

at times just a matchstick, less 

light, but illuminating 

a cavernous darkness.

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Hardly So

We choose life, to make and bring home a human baby,

Knowing full well that there will be both joy and sorrow.

Paradoxical? Contradictory? A blow to our rational nature of body and soul?

Hardly so.

We choose to preserve creation, adopting

A small puppy,

Knowing full well that there will be both joy and sorrow.

Paradoxical? Contradictory? A blow to our rational nature of body and soul?

Hardly so.

He chooses to create the Angels, immaterial, free creatures to govern the universe,

Knowing full well that some will choose to self serve rather than serve Him.

Paradoxical? Contradictory? A blow to His Divine Omnipotence to allow paths where good may come from evil?

Hardly so.

He chooses to create mankind, material, free creatures to govern their world,

Knowing full well that some will choose to self serve rather than serve Him.

Paradoxical? Contradictory? A blow to His Divine Omnipotence to allow paths where good may come from evil?

Hardly so.

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, December 4, 2021




styled, plied twice, meant to share;  

others who cared, shared; aware,

thanks to travel, the thousandth mile;

guards at every open gate. while

the great myth is it takes

long, large, more advanced makes 

of complex starships; ships to blacken

the sky before mankind will harken,

emerge, and face a “creator.”

yet it’s something Simple, or

Love alone, all along, Who created

the free person: weak but liberated.

Gary Edward Geraci