Saturday, May 21, 2022

That there would be a Way


Intellectual stops to override weak wills;

Good reasons to seek less of the alluring,

The steady diet of sense pleasures to sate thrills kills

The recollection of Whose we are. fact finding,

Seizing silence, the Invitation, a better Way,

Persuasive, swaying to Someone far greater,

Infinitely more satisfying; let it stay

And ease the grip of the lower animal order.

Seeing what’s visible, the strong lure for the here 

And now, may everlasting life with You not be lost!

To have come all of this way, a shame it would be Dear

God, to fall off the cliff in the end, to have tossed

The highest goods, having been raised in the Host!

Yes, that there would be a Way, oh Holy Ghost!

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Last Bastion


This culture that molds men like soft clay soils 

Prompts the dread doubts the doomed devil will lead:

Rebellions, defections, people to weed

Out from the ranks of paradise, Hell boils

Hot with corrupt priests and bishops their toils

Assisted by legions of demons whose deed

Destroyed all but the domestic church. seed

Sown in the married couple, their grace foils

These foul works, bombarded by day, refuge

Found in the home built on the rock of faith

Let the workplace and school spill a great deluge

Into the moat, high fortress dry, the feint

Foiled for now, though small in stature but huge

In number, the family makes the Saint.

Gary Edward Geraci

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Spouse Beyond the Apex


Forever Spouse in Christ,

Friends go to marry and leave,

Yet for those who stay in Christ,

Hearth they stay with hearts to weave.

In the act of worship,

The family comes together,

Renews the pledge of friendship,

Receives the grace to weather

Fiends and angels fallen,

The temptations of the flesh,

That which sin, the soul stollen,

Straps and traps; a binding mesh.

Why then soak in despair?

From the fall there is the rise

And fellow saints to help one bear

Hefty burdens most despise.

Anything but the High

To escape, to explain the complex,

An Order they can’t deny,

The Spouse beyond the apex.

Gary Edward Geraci