Friday, November 25, 2022

Your Grace Is Enough


Your Grace is enough,

Vulnerable but tough,

A match exploding in flame,

Both feet in the game. 

Your Grace is enough,

Enemies of God rebuff,

A light for all people 

Love starved, fighting evil.

Your Grace is enough,

Made of the right stuff, 

Swinging the sword of prayer,

Your soldiers everywhere.

Your Grace is enough, 

Though the road becomes rough,

Through tumult and war,

You are WHO YOU ARE. 

Your Grace is enough, 

Fit to call their bluff, 

Their body, their idol, 

Manic and suicidal. 

Your Grace is enough,

Not to speak off the cuff,

By the spirit you’re led, 

Because for you, He bled. 

Your Grace is enough, 

Your Grace is enough, 

Because for you, He bled, 

Because for you, He bled.

Gary Edward Geraci

Friday, November 18, 2022



Body only, if so, the soul has been hacked,

What am I but a wired-up robot?

With actions and responses preprogrammed,

Predictable? pushed out in a row boat,

Down a straight, concrete lined channel

Used to irrigate trees of oranges,

I raise the oar that wets my sleeve of flannel,

My watch strikes noon and I pray the Angelus.

Gary Edward Geraci

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

You’re One of Them


Friends? Soil your garments.

The world will come clamoring 

Quickly to your door. 

Gary Edward Geraci

“Yet you still have a few names in Sardis, people who have not soiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy.” Revelation 3:4

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Our Dilemma (Villanelle)


Have you persisted all of these years and if so, how?

You appear in the same way,

elevation, pause, looking and seeing, white wafer or is it?

What’s it been like to see us as generational people; do you see us as having made real and lasting advancements; what about now?

The material work that the human race has done, generation after generation, you do allow;

You appear in the same way,

elevation, pause, looking and seeing, water and wine or is it?

Have you persisted all of these years and if so, how?

Much will have crumbled into powder, dust and rust; I too will become ash, I must avow,

But our universities, our intellectual ideas, the good ones seem to persist - maybe a bit.

What’s it been like to see us as generational people; do you see us as having made real and lasting advancements; what about now?

The other hallowed institutions that we’ve raised up to ourselves - wow!

Starting with that tower in Siloam that you spoke of - an accident - the deaths that occurred there, what a fit.

Have you persisted all of these years and if so, how?

And church buildings and sacrificial ruins and a Golden Cow …

Trustworthy, the true accomplishment carried out by a carpenter, a true builder, the Son of God, with wood He split.

What’s it been like to see us as generational people; do you see us as having made real and lasting advancements; what about now?

What is now elevated over the alter is eternal, it has persisted, persisting from when it was first raised by Thou

Some two thousand years ago – the beginning of mankind‘s redemption, solid, You’ve never quit.

Have you persisted all of these years and if so, how?

What’s it been like to see us as generational people; do you see us as having made real and lasting advancements; what about now?

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, November 5, 2022



The drop of blood from the nose, 

The red spattered linen after 

The cough - the curse of cancer supposed

Inevitable. the call. hereafter,

A long list of tropes for a 

Producer to pick from: objects, 

Gestures, and words signifying a 

Certain reality for subjects

Human, made clear, reasonable,

The corporeal to the 

Intelligible; mind to will;

Signs for man’s condition. the

Christ brings us the physical,

For cleansing and growth in virtue,

His words spoken now Gospel,

And His actions - to make us new.

Gary Edward Geraci