Saturday, September 30, 2023

In the Last Hour


We’ve already won yet we wait;

The devil’s disease, infected;

The Cure, waiting, not elected;

His glorious coming is delayed.

So we’re in the last hour; our state

Is to subject all things to Him,

To take the evil from the dim

Corners of this earth, set it past:

A new earth is revealed at last.

Come Lord! we sing in steadfast hymn.

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, September 23, 2023



“Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matt. XXII, 30)

Victory you want?

Love your enemies;

Your dignity is preserved.

Love as God’s children:

Victory achieved.

Speak out now if you must,

Repent of your excesses;

In the end it’s Love we trust.

A win over self

Attracts hardened foes.

Your ardent goodness,

Attracts and converts.

A loving credence;

My prayers now rise with ease

And many sins are avoided:

Lord do with me as you please!

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Intersection


Serving ALL men He

Allowed One to die

For me, the undeserving.

Allowed me to sin,

Serving just my end:

Men who live for the day,

Engrossed in carnal pursuits with

Weighty matters left to weigh.

Offers ALL One’s Life,

Sacrifice unique,

Surpassing all others. my

Sacrifice, a price;

Offers I can’t make,

‘Til rationality

Runs dry; the intersection reached is

Faith by grace, new sanctity.

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Hear My Prayer


you’ve passed on from here 

your body you did not take

i’m left wondering

i don’t have all the answers

but i trust you hear my prayers

Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, September 2, 2023



Childlike, come pray! Church, 

Hope in His kingdom,

We fight with the Militant!

Hope, deeds are required:

Childlike love, good soil,

A fondness for sinners.

An invitation to the feast,

Where freedom’s for prisoners.

Honor on High, You’re

Dauntless; table set.

One must come to the banquet,

Dauntless, and best dressed.

Honor to the Head!

Our grace: the Sacraments,

A Holy Counselor for our

Sure guidance, Your Commandments.

Gary Edward Geraci