I heard the Lord groan
And it brought tears to my eyes
Black men in the soil
Gary Edward Geraci
I heard the Lord groan
And it brought tears to my eyes
Black men in the soil
Gary Edward Geraci
“the Anointed One”
draws swarms; bitty people, specs
rollicking skyward
in a boiling black cloud-mass;
contingent lives lived astray.
Gary Edward Geraci
It’s my sinful pride
When I say that faith must hide
Behind; to behold
Progress: mankind’s shining star,
‘Till a butterfly flies by.
Gary Edward Geraci
brilliant, yellow trees, cry, Glory to God!
carpeting the ground, with a generous
alms of golden leaves; a lofty chorus
of fluttering foliage, waving branches, and
bounteous sunlight; a royal broadloom of
marriages and ordinations worsted
and spun from the time that ever was and
ever will be, cuddles the forest floor,
in anticipation: a welcoming, courtly
reception for the final return of
their King, a King with Feet to Trod, a King
Whom all creation eagerly awaits.
Gary Edward Geraci