Sunday, July 21, 2013

Time for the Table

Writing the Foreword to the YOUCAT (2011), the Catholic Church's condensed catechism on Church teaching written especially for youth, Pope Benedict XVI challenges his young friends: "Today I recommend for your reading an unusual book.  It is unusual both because of its content and because of the way it came to be.  I would like to tell you a little about how it was written, because then it will be clear why it is so unusual."  

Our Pope explains, in a nutshell, after Vatican II (an official meeting of the Catholic Church in Rome lasting from 1962-1965) and a changing culture, many people in society and the Church were left confused. 

What's a Christian to believe?  Can we believe anything the Church teaches, is it even reasonable to be a believer?  Then came the bold and decisive decision of Pope John Paul II to write a book that would answer these questions.  "...a real book, " writes Pope Benedict XVI, "not just a haphazard collection of all sorts of documents…..something entirely new and exciting…..It would show what the Catholic Church believes today and how one can with good reason believe." 

In December 2009, during the spring time of my own reversion, having been plodding along all these years, sort of lost in an agnostic, moral relativism, making room at times for a non-denominational New-Age way of thinking, I had now found a sudden spark of light in, who would have guessed, that traditional 'old fashioned' Catholicism of my youth.  I bought a used version (the Pope's vision having already manifested into reality nearly 15 years before) with the 'old-fashioned' title: Catechism of the Catholic Church (1994) and proceeded to read it cover to cover. 

Wow, I was floored and blown away even though much of it was way to deep, theologically and philosophically.  I had received nothing at all like this before.  Well at least now I could partly understand the underlying causes of my departure from the Catholic Church. 

IGNORANCE.   There, swallowing my pride, I have spoken the truth.  Now since I have publicly admitted it - how about you?  What do you REALLY know about the CHURCH, your faith?  What is your hope grounded in?  Superstition?  The world?

Having been born in 1964, I had been poorly "formed" in the Church during the 30 year period prior to 1994 where, even today, the Church admits its existence was punctuated by a drought of religious education, a catechetical vacuum of sorts.

Now here's some great news.  Motivated by the success and enthusiasm of the World Youth Days started during the pontificate of John Paul II,  "- young people from all over the world have come together, young people who want to believe, who are seeking God, who love Christ, and who want fellowship on their journey."  - Pope Benedict VXI

Seventeen years from its original 1994 publishing date, the Catechism of the Catholic Church has been translated into the much more approachable and fascinating version called YOUCAT.   This little yellow paperback book with mostly cartoon stick figure illustrations scattered throughout it's pages is fun; see for yourself.

Pope Benedict XVI (now our Pope Emeritus) continues his Foreword with a fervent challenge: "Study this Catechism!  That is my heartfelt desire.  This Catechism was not written to please you.  It will not make life easy for you, because it demands of you a new life.  It places before you the Gospel message as the 'pearl of great value' (Mt. 13:46) for which you must give everything.  So I beg you:  Study this Catechism with passion and perseverance.  Make a sacrifice of your time for it!  Study it in the quiet of your room; read it with a friend; form study groups and networks; share with each other on the Internet.  By all means continue to talk with each other about your faith.  You need to know what you believe.  You need to know your faith with that same precision with which an IT specialist knows the inner workings of a computer.    You need to understand it like a good musician knows the piece he is playing." [emphasis is mine]

Bingo!  The principles taught in the YOUCAT make all that follow it better.  So if you're a soccer camp founded on YOUCAT teachings then you're a better soccer team; a choral group founded on YOUCAT teachings then you're a better choral group; a cooking club, a couple of auto mechanics swapping tips, a hunting and fishing group - all better communities when grounded in these truth principals. 

How about Internet based hand percussion lessons, short video segments free of charge, presenting multi-cultural rhythms from around the world along with YOUCAT teachings? Why not.  I think you'd be a better percussion community because of it.

My imagination kicks into gear and I can even envision a parish or similar community level YOUCAT Conga Camp (study group) complete with yellow YOUCAT paperbacks and matching yellow t-shirts: "St. Luke's  YOUCAT Conga Cats"  emblazoned across the front or back; you substitute in the name of your own parish or community group. 

One could easily work in at least one YOUCAT point while facilitating a world rhythm circle or percussion lesson.  How about a YouTube channel for the group to access; Google + page to post the sheet music and Google Hangouts sessions to interact with those community members located across the country or world?

YOUCAT enthusiasts can join international, online groups for fellowship and where pictures and photos of all the fun can be uploaded.   I can see the photo now:  a conga under one arm and a YOUCAT paperback in the other hand.  Call me a romantic, call me a dreamer- no, call me a Christian following the call to a New Evangelization!

Convinced but not yet sure how to integrate your hobby with our new YOUCAT? 

Why not follow me for now with my new "Time for the Table" series where I really stretch out on a limb and try a lot of new, (fortunately very low cost or free) technology.  We'll find out together what works and what can be improved upon. 

Saint Mother Theresa [updated 2/4/2017] encourages Christians to be faithful and not to worry about whether or not we are successful in the process; God takes care of that part.   If just a small handful of people follow your work, more than likely friends and family members; great, you've wonderfully succeeded!  Then teach these people how to use these same tools so that a handful of people follow each of them; and so on….

Christianity has changed the world and will continue to do so; we can change the world too.  "Do not be afraid!" exclaims Pope Saint John Paul II [updated 2/4/2017].

Do not be afraid!

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