Friday, April 17, 2015

Dominion: Royal Authority

How good it is that we too, mere creatures, can create; co-create! 

I've enjoyed backyard projects before - this one being my second. Here's a sneak peek of my first.  

Yeah, that's Round Rock, Texas.  Indeed showing them off is all part of the fun too!

I typically enjoy doing most all of the work all by myself; if I'm not careful - a pure,Type A, head-strong, selfish sense of dominion will follow.

Does it give me a sense of being in control or just satisfy some overriding, impatient urge driving one towards the timely completion of the project? Sounds like something to be worked out doesn't it.

Let the interior work begin, another daily struggle - life's full of them. 

In my latest project, my wife and stepson Sean have been a great help in collecting, transporting, and moving materials into place. Oh, and don't forget about their watering in the transplanted Saint Augustine grass that I have been trying my best to preserve.  

First, a plan, 

then the surveying; can you see the flags?

laying pathways comes next, 

then outlining the beds.

Lots of digging.

More digging.

Joints begin to hurt digging.

When will this digging end, digging.

And finally, after a full month's worth of digging and mulching the beds are complete!

If a soul filled with sins can't be perfect neither can a new garden bed be pretty with weeds. 

Until the trees and flowers can be planted we must keep the weeds out. I hope this too can become a family affair.

It IS possible that hardened hearts can soften! With royal authority we simply begin again over and over and over. 

Remember who it is that has been given dominion and Who has given it! Genesis 1:26-29

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