G12 Bullet 1 – Enough is a muff; the muff stroke. Enough is a muff. Yes, we can produce different sounds out of something as simple as a tabletop by using different parts of our hand to execute the stroke.
2. And this brings us to our final stroke, the muff stroke. Starting the hand in the same position as the open stroke, bring the hand down allowing only the fingers make contact with the tabletop. Flatten your fingers as you bring your hand down so that the entire length of your fingers hits the tabletop at the same time. When you make contact, press down (even if for just a split second) to make a muffled sound. I tend to keep my own fingers spread apart a bit as I make contact; the key is allowing them all to hit the table top surface at the same time. The thumb can be held back out or used to pivot the other four fingers.
3. The muff is spoken as "ta" and during a triplet, which I demonstrate in the movie below, it is spoken as "trip-le-A".
4. Enough is enough! Indeed as I listen again to the final movie soundtrack presented to you below, I must admit I am not entirely satisfied with the way things have turned out this time; a bit clunky I'm afraid. The tempo of the background music track that I selected was a bit too fast and busy for our Bolero.
5. I am happy to observe that I was able to improve in the animation department. OK, just a bit.
6. Rather than undergo a long, lengthy, and uncertain redo, I've decided to present it to you just as it is, acknowledging my limitations with humility.
7. I've decided to end the Time for the Table series here as well; this being my twelfth and final lesson presentation to you.
5. I am happy to observe that I was able to improve in the animation department. OK, just a bit.
6. Rather than undergo a long, lengthy, and uncertain redo, I've decided to present it to you just as it is, acknowledging my limitations with humility.
7. I've decided to end the Time for the Table series here as well; this being my twelfth and final lesson presentation to you.
8. You might ask if we should still present work that falls short to our Lord?
If we sincerely tried our best during the process of our work, I believe so. Such are the results of even our best efforts at times. Our Lord is entirely aware of our weaknesses, wretchedness and limited abilities.
9. When He came to earth in the form of a baby, this is exactly the state he found us in and yet, He still died for us in order to save us. It is His great love for us that allows Him to accept our offerings, humble as they are: blemishes, warts, and all.
10. We develop humility through the process of trying something new and we come to truly recognize what skill and unique talents really are by learning from others. We come to recognize genuine talent by observing the superb and gifted works of others.
11. Conversely we learn to discern mediocre work as well, often in our own efforts.
12. How many remember hearing an accomplished pianist play, then running to our own piano with a renewed motivation, a heightened resolve and even the discipline this time to practice for days upon days only to fall flat on our face because of our lack of talent, memory or timing? I'm sure it is the majority of us. We need not despair however, at least not for long, because God made us this way - unique in our own way, just as we are.
13. Falling short is to be human and God is not averse to this.
14. Can we honestly say that we really tried? Is it the end of the world to discover that we simply don't have that certain talent that we were hoping for? Not at all. To walk away satisfied that one gave it their all is noble enough; to walk away without regret, to free one's time for the next adventure. I believe one who tries is better off than one who tries nothing at all.
If we sincerely tried our best during the process of our work, I believe so. Such are the results of even our best efforts at times. Our Lord is entirely aware of our weaknesses, wretchedness and limited abilities.
9. When He came to earth in the form of a baby, this is exactly the state he found us in and yet, He still died for us in order to save us. It is His great love for us that allows Him to accept our offerings, humble as they are: blemishes, warts, and all.
10. We develop humility through the process of trying something new and we come to truly recognize what skill and unique talents really are by learning from others. We come to recognize genuine talent by observing the superb and gifted works of others.
11. Conversely we learn to discern mediocre work as well, often in our own efforts.
12. How many remember hearing an accomplished pianist play, then running to our own piano with a renewed motivation, a heightened resolve and even the discipline this time to practice for days upon days only to fall flat on our face because of our lack of talent, memory or timing? I'm sure it is the majority of us. We need not despair however, at least not for long, because God made us this way - unique in our own way, just as we are.
13. Falling short is to be human and God is not averse to this.
14. Can we honestly say that we really tried? Is it the end of the world to discover that we simply don't have that certain talent that we were hoping for? Not at all. To walk away satisfied that one gave it their all is noble enough; to walk away without regret, to free one's time for the next adventure. I believe one who tries is better off than one who tries nothing at all.
15. When we work on something new let us focus on the fun that can be had in the process, the dreaming and the imagining as we seek to discover our new talents.
16. Over the last few years I've enjoyed picking up the rhythms and the congas once again but this time, it was even more meaningful because it was firmly rooted in the glory of spreading the Good News and announcing the Kingdom of God.
17. The biblical concept of practicing "detachment" from one's material possessions has also become easier as I've learned to accept my own limitations. I'm not quite sure yet whether I could simply give away my percussion collection in its entirety but I believe I've come close several times. It's likely that other musicians whom at one time or another dreamt of "making it big" have had this same problem with accepting detachment from their musical instruments. I should pray more about the ultimate disposition of my collection, how it could best be put to use.
18. By moving on, I give myself the opportunity to discover and develop other talents and virtues. These have proven more useful, productive, and spiritually profitable for both me, my family, my coworkers, and my friends.
16. Over the last few years I've enjoyed picking up the rhythms and the congas once again but this time, it was even more meaningful because it was firmly rooted in the glory of spreading the Good News and announcing the Kingdom of God.
17. The biblical concept of practicing "detachment" from one's material possessions has also become easier as I've learned to accept my own limitations. I'm not quite sure yet whether I could simply give away my percussion collection in its entirety but I believe I've come close several times. It's likely that other musicians whom at one time or another dreamt of "making it big" have had this same problem with accepting detachment from their musical instruments. I should pray more about the ultimate disposition of my collection, how it could best be put to use.
18. By moving on, I give myself the opportunity to discover and develop other talents and virtues. These have proven more useful, productive, and spiritually profitable for both me, my family, my coworkers, and my friends.
G12 Bullet 2 – 4, Learn the Rhythm. West Texas Bolero
SPEAK THE RHYTHM: Ge te Pa te Ge Du Du Du Ge tripleA ta ta Ge Du Du Du
20. Work both hands: Remember; when working on technique, whatever is true for the right hand is true for the left hand. You will find that if you are right handed, the patterns starting with the right hand will be easier to play than when starting the same pattern with the left hand (and vice versa). Switch hands: If you are right handed, use your left hand now to start playing the pattern. It helps me to go to the practice sheet (see YOU Practice below) and write out L,R,L,R,L,R,L,R below the R,L,R,L,R,L,R,L line so that I can clearly see the strokes my left hand is supposed to be playing at a particular moment (beat) in time. Start slowly and work up your speed as your accuracy improves; this exercise develops dexterity.
20. Work both hands: Remember; when working on technique, whatever is true for the right hand is true for the left hand. You will find that if you are right handed, the patterns starting with the right hand will be easier to play than when starting the same pattern with the left hand (and vice versa). Switch hands: If you are right handed, use your left hand now to start playing the pattern. It helps me to go to the practice sheet (see YOU Practice below) and write out L,R,L,R,L,R,L,R below the R,L,R,L,R,L,R,L line so that I can clearly see the strokes my left hand is supposed to be playing at a particular moment (beat) in time. Start slowly and work up your speed as your accuracy improves; this exercise develops dexterity.
G12 Bullet 5, Keeping the Conversation. Topic A3: The "Big Reveal."
22. Jesus Christ shed his blood for everyone, those living in the past, present, and future - even those whom vehemently disagree with us on some point or topic. This is the big reveal. We all move on in life, often in opposite directions from one another. Shouldn't we just agree to respectfully dialogue with one another for the sake of keeping the conversation going?
23. You probably thought I was going to say "shouldn't we just agree to disagree" didn't you? That would be taking the easy way out and missing an opportunity I believe.
24. How else are we going to make the life of Christ present to others?
25. Rarely are we going to change somebody on the spot from their deeply held opinions. Knowing this removes 95% of our challenges. Rather, we converse with those whom disagree with us and try to love them as they are. We go much further this way even when it seems, on the surface, we've made no headway whatsoever.
26. We plant seeds this way too - but the seed planting works both ways - be careful - the devil is always at work too in the sowing of seeds.
G12 Bullet 6, YOU Practice Lesson G12. If you want measurable results try to practice both your faith and drumming at least 30 minutes a day.
a.) Playing simple rhythms on a daily basis can be similar in repetition to (but never used in place of) practicing the virtue of religion, the one virtue I've discovered as being both truthful and stable.
b.) Like other talents and virtues, religion needs to be regularly explored and practiced in order to be developed into the ultimate source of joy and happiness. Although many will practice religion poorly or in a spirit of mediocrity, no one except God can ultimately judge the condition of one's soul as a result of one's religious practice.
c.) Practice perfects the one undergoing the repetitious movement; either naturally or supernaturally. Strive every day to pray always. The practice of religion is broad and interesting. How encouraging it is to sink into a great classic work of literature or theology or philosophy? How wonderful it is to browse through Sacred Scripture and to learn that we have been fearfully and wonderfully made just as we are? (Psalm 139:14) How reassuring it is to read of the great truths contained in the Catholic Church and it's magisterium; truth's originating from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This my friends, never has to end, leading us from this life into the next where wonderful things have been prepared for us. "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9-10
The practice of religion is the one area in my own life where I have no plans of scaling back.
d.) Answered prayers are reminders of God's supernatural order present in our very own lives. The Church teaches the fruitful value of a sound prayer life; my family and I can give personal testimony to the effectiveness of daily prayer. Practice makes perfect!
G12 Bullet 7, Table Task: Persevere. God revealed himself to us in the form of a baby boy some 2000 years ago.
29. Imitating even a fraction of Christ's love and humility today would go a long way in improving our own conversations, making them more tolerable while making God's presence known to others.
30. Allow the teachings and Sacraments of the Catholic Church to inflame your interior dispositions outside the walls of the physical church that you regularly attend.
31. Keep your conversation with God going by praying more often and then taking moments of solitude to listen. A great place to do this is in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Ask, listen, ask, and listen even more for God's response. "Lord what is it that you will for me with this rude customer, my classmate, my colleagues at work, my siblings, my nieces and nephews, my childhood friends whom don't understand the enthusiasm I now have for Jesus Christ " etc.
32. And then listen some more, paying attention to what goes on around you.
33. It doesn't hurt to ask for the intercession of your guardian angel and or the Saints either. It is here that many of us will get our answer from God. A persistent, fervent, and persevering prayer life shows God your true and freely chosen love for the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The lives of the many Saints since the birth of Jesus and the present time have much to contribute in helping you keep the conversation of the Good News going. Like you and me, most of the Saints never saw Jesus Christ with their own eyes. Only by faith and hope and love did they persevere in Christ filled lives. Many died heroically as martyrs with the name of Jesus Christ on their lips.
34. God willed the intercessory powers of the Saints so that we may have communion and recourse to their powerful presence before our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
35. Praying to our Lord's mother, Mary, our Mother, results in answered prayers through her Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus never dismisses his Mother's requests. Have you ever liked a friend less because he introduced you to his mother? You probably felt like you were even better friends after that! Well, your friend Jesus Christ has introduced you to his Mother - it's all been revealed in Sacred Scripture.
G12 Bullet 9 – Counting (1) handout: study it.
Gray Level Syllabus
"Time For The Table" The Way and Means"
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