Saturday, July 22, 2017

Good Marks

The big fuss Ms. Sultenhuss 
Used to make about my English 
Composition papers with red ink
And the word "unremarkable" 
Scrolled across the top while she saw something 
In the trying and effort despite 
All other marked disadvantages 
Considering the most conspicuous 
Being the suspicious recoil 
Of the class bully every time she turned 
Her face to face the class the scamp Marc 
Immediately to my left having left 
A swollen "frog" tattoo mark on my left 
Arm in the same swift of time that it takes 
A Golden Toad to throw out its tongue and 
Slurp a juicy, tasty June bug during 
The evening hours of May - remarkably -
Who himself despite every cruel bone 
And vile intention was not capable 
Of writing a plain paragraph his 
Paper already written long ago 
At least for the hour or two of his 
Newborn life passed around and adored 
Pampered and pressed cuddled and kissed his 
Maker proudly watching from the wings 
Before it started going downhill from there 
Back then I think all three of us were in 
Need of the good marks that flowed from the 
Nail and sword marks of the Savior.

- Gary Edward Geraci

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying the freestyle, long sentence poem before it's time to go back to the traditions of some of my favorite poets. If you enjoyed this poem today please consider forgiving someone you've held a grudge against for a long time.
