Saturday, August 31, 2019

KC Knighted

In memory of Kendrick Castillo

More and more mankind put on guard,
This restless evil can’t be stilled,
Attacking, twisted minds, vision blurred,
Seeking to harm, their own joy killed.
And you showed up ready to give,
You charged the gunman, you changed the course,
And paid the price so others live:
Been raised as knight by King Christ of hearts. 

So it is we call you brother,
The life you lived our example.
Death devil provokes the shooter,
It’s young men who’ll run the scramble.
While old men stroke their long white beards;
Nods of approval, admiration;
And ladies share kisses and tears;
You’ve won the day and our affection.

True, all are called to be heroes;
Yes: men and women of virtue;
Progressed in learning and theories.
Gift of grace may the Ghost guide you!
Yet too many, caught-up, feelings:
Weak and sickly, walled-in, can not speak;
Shunning those who’d help, and healings;
Feasts of inward hate; to harm they seek.

Mark the day, we will not crater,
We’ll love the loathing, bent over, pained,
Lift them, show them something greater
Than killing and leaving others maimed.
And so we gather in your honor,
Applaud your valor, we’re united,
Romans 12:21 our banner;
Our ovation: KC Knighted!

-Gary Edward Geraci

On August 6, 2019 the Knights of Columbus “bestowed [Kendrick] Castillo posthumously with the Knights’ highest award - the Caritas Award - and encouraged Knights to stand and vote to grant Castillo full membership in the Knights of Columbus, which they did with a standing ovation.” National Catholic Register - August 18, 2019

Monday, August 26, 2019

Saturday, August 24, 2019

You Said We’d Move Mountains

to sit, to contemplate,
to open and close fingers,
a dull headache his companion.

10, 20, 30, 
two fists to two open hands, three times; 
40 world leaders, 
50, 60, 70,

seven times opened and closed,
his pain their freedom: freedom from corruption, freedom for education, religion
freedom for beauty, virtue, civility.

seconds pass, 150, 160, flying fist to fingers, 
“YOU know them LORD!”
formosa fern fronds bowing, bobbing from the movement of air;
“there’s more life under YOUR command” 

thinking of a small space in his backyard “than these 180, 190, 200 
government officials” (rounding up to 210 to include transitional powers);
a petition that takes less than sixty seconds.

“ridiculous gesticulations!” perhaps, perhaps not; “not those of a sound man” - persuaded as they still are to call him crazed - 
“but these,“ say his worldly detractors: “are symptomatic of a patient for modern psychology;” citing “compulsive, daily church sitting, kneeling, standing sessions and then there’s this tracking of traveling fingers-to-fists;” a first-rate, qualified candidate for one of those patient, patient studies (rounding up to 210, selectively chosen patients) “a steady, silent study that runs a course of about seventy, seventy-five years.”

“patience friends!” except he didn’t exclaim it so nicely; “you’d have me painting pollyanna pictures and play-acting cap gun battles,” coping mechanisms, “but why can’t we be so fond of the prospects of howitzer rounds and hellfire missiles?” all of this 

as he strikes out to move mountains, to change the world, ten countries at a time, (rounding to 210 total given the probability of formative, future rogue states) and all under one minute. 

ha! I’m changing the world, ah, weakened by this clang of malaise and dogged head pain, this my finger, fist and firm invocation: WE’RE changing the world.

Gary Edward Geraci

He said to them, “Because of your little faith. Amen, I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

Friday, August 23, 2019

Young People

holy spouses Lord!
discarded or abandoned
may they never feel

-Gary Edward Geraci

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Transom Window

Toweled, staring out the transom window above the bed sheets. Cirrus clouds, near us, bountiful, wispy lined impressions, expressions of soaring adventures; tempting, yet some distance away, a distant tearing, tugging, a struggle; searing tears in child eyes, stretched across each window; tearing, a towering meniscus ready to topple, squeezed but still blurring - blink washed.  A ‘Beggar’s prayer’ for freedom, for release, for proof, for the imagined right to live a child’s life, unrestrained. 

-Gary Edward Geraci

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Karol Quarrier

Son, inspire others; lead by example;
Amass friends whom wont betray or trample;
Mass attendance
For your soul’s ascendance:
The mind’s ascent to faith and transcendence.

Self denial, a mastery of self,
True beauty enjoy; the rest you can shelve;
Curse the devil,
Drown vice below level;
Bring, beat down dirt: every trace of evil.

Temper lust and the carnal appetite;
Bar brute temper, this thirst for blood, and fight
Right: the downtrodden
And persecuted men:
Teach credence for those led by religion.

Study valiant men, the noble saints;
Take relaxation to loosen constraints,
A holy wife,
Children; partners for life:
Will minimize the pains of strain and strife.

Boys need fathers to follow formation;
Fathers to father men of great nations;
Love courier,
Chivalrous warrior;
Stone workmen: men move rock: the quarrier.

-Gary Edward Geraci

Friday, August 2, 2019

Chances Are

Chasmic dagger thrust, this “no fault divorce.”
After we tried it first, sharing home and bed,
The day did arrive: we were civilly wed. 
Chasmic dagger thrust, this “no fault divorce.”

After we tried it first, sharing home and bed,
We raised dogs and cats but had no children,
Taking the pill: chances are one in a million,
After we tried it first, sharing home and bed.

We raised dogs and cats but had no children,
Though Catholic, we found a welcoming church:
Cool with the times - didn’t knock us from our perch,
We raised dogs and cats but had no children.

Though Catholic, we found a welcoming church,
Went to all the parties, were seen around town,
Even hooked up when the other wasn’t around.
Though Catholic, we found a welcoming church.

Went to all the parties, were seen around town,
One day you tired of me and tried to start fresh,
A man with court papers served me flesh to flesh.
Went to all the parties, were seen around town.

Chasmic dagger thrust, this “no fault divorce.”
After we tried it first, sharing home and bed,
The day did arrive: we were civilly wed. 
Chasmic dagger thrust, this “no fault divorce.”

-Gary Edward Geraci