A twist to the more famous, chicken and egg question but the answer is still the same in this 5-7-5 Haiku. The ‘hidden key’ to unlocking the great mystery contained herein would be found by doing a quick search on Plato’s “Theory of Forms” and then inquiring as to how St. Augustine would later attribute the “Forms” to the Mind of God; “making them eternal and immutable.” (Wikipedia) “Form” for Aristotle does not mean “external shape” but “internal essence, essential nature.” (Socrates’ Children: Ancient: The 100 Greatest Philosophers by Peter Kreeft) The form for a tree is in an acorn, the form for a man is in a fetus, the form of a chicken is in an egg, the form for God’s real presence is in a piece of unleavened bread consecrated during Mass, and the form for Jesus during the consecration at Mass is in an ordained man, a priest, raising the unleavened bread while saying “TAKE THIS, ALL OF YOU, AND EAT OF IT, FOR THIS IS MY BODY, WHICH WILL BE GIVEN UP FOR YOU.” (Roman Missal, Third Edition)
A twist to the more famous, chicken and egg question but the answer is still the same in this 5-7-5 Haiku. The ‘hidden key’ to unlocking the great mystery contained herein would be found by doing a quick search on Plato’s “Theory of Forms” and then inquiring as to how St. Augustine would later attribute the “Forms” to the Mind of God; “making them eternal and immutable.” (Wikipedia) “Form” for Aristotle does not mean “external shape” but “internal essence, essential nature.” (Socrates’ Children: Ancient: The 100 Greatest Philosophers by Peter Kreeft) The form for a tree is in an acorn, the form for a man is in a fetus, the form of a chicken is in an egg, the form for God’s real presence is in a piece of unleavened bread consecrated during Mass, and the form for Jesus during the consecration at Mass is in an ordained man, a priest, raising the unleavened bread while saying “TAKE THIS, ALL OF YOU, AND EAT OF IT, FOR THIS IS MY BODY, WHICH WILL BE GIVEN UP FOR YOU.” (Roman Missal, Third Edition)