Friday, July 17, 2020

Recalcitrant (for not being ‘this or that’ kind of poet)

No one in the end is happy with me.
I tire myself out with schedules and Masses,
Writing and trying to serve all classes.

It’s never enough though, there’s always something 
Lacking; it’s beyond my ken, comprehension;
Scorned by the culture, even religious men.

Devil be gone with my middle finger! 
Jesus Christ I trust, you’re the only one,
To love me as I am, a beloved son.

Gary Edward Geraci

1 comment:

  1. Catholic’s commonly cross themselves using the middle finger dipped in holy water.

    “You ask me why I always recommend, with such insistence, the daily use of holy water. I could give you many reasons. But none better than that of the Saint of Avila: 'From nothing do evil spirits flee more, never to return, than from holy water.'”
    St. JoseMaria Escriva, The Way, No. 572
