(Psalm 103:14)
So soon to shun the illicit?
The sooner the better!
Sins like stones burden hearts,
Sinking depths, places of
Stark bleakness, unaware
Of the power to
Cast away - not mine but His.
Ah, those who’ve never asked,
Who wouldn’t hope!
A whole life lived,
Weighted down, sluggish,
Playing the same loop
Over and over in the head:
He never rose,
He never rose,
He never rose.
Gary Edward Geraci
The final repetition is inspired by the story of American poet Emily Dickinson’s schooling at Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. Despite all her brilliance and poetic acumen, she could never bring herself to believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. “Students were organized into one of three groups: those who professed, those who hoped to and those who were without hope. Dickinson was among eighty without hope when she entered and was among twenty-nine who remained so by the end of the year. She wrote her friend Abiah Root, “There is a great deal of religious interest here and many are flocking to the ark of safety. I have not yet given up to the claims of Christ, but trust I am not entirely thoughtless on so important & serious a subject” source of quote https://www.emilydickinsonmuseum.org/emily-dickinson/biography/special-topics/emily-dickinsons-schooling-mount-holyoke-female-seminary/