Saturday, November 18, 2017

Green Apples

Seen by a few or seen by all
Three online now; answering the call.
The ripples, the rapples, the seed does fall
Forth; soon bearing green apples.

Electric shop-cart shopping on the rise,
Same mission message; what a surprise!
Landscapes have changed but the harvest supplies
More abundant green apples.

- Gary Edward Geraci

1 comment:

  1. We are each called to be missionary evangelists. A small act of love to another can cause ripples and “rapples“ extending into new territories; sometimes even way beyond that which might have been initially expected. After all, “We plant seeds and God does the rest” is more than a nice sounding platitude. Though times have changed and people may look different and people may act different; people still need God and his gospel message of mercy and hope. Most people today use technologies in ways not imagined just 10 years ago. Are we engaging the harvest in the landscape where it is has been planted? So as not to insult “the rabble” (God love us), the quotation marks around the words “More abundant” were omitted.
