Saturday, December 16, 2017

Pale Blue Dot

Your Love bathes us in sun.
One strange Valentine’s Day.
Pale blue dot; only one.

Voyager 1, billion
Plus miles gone, turns their way.
Your Love bathes us in sun.

Space probe spent, spin, and spun;
Locks eyes; Sole, brown band, Ray.
Pale blue dot; only one.

Strife, fight, and kill they’ve done.
Burdened beasts bray and neigh.
Your Love bathes us in sun.

Life eternal they’ve won,
Would they just worship; pray.
Pale blue dot; only one.

“Loved, I gave you my Son,
Whom you did whip and flay.”
Your Love bathes us in sun.
Pale blue dot; only one.

- Gary Edward Geraci



  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Shira for your read, comment, and the moral support you have been giving me and my writing over the last several months!
