Saturday, December 2, 2017

Special Forces

Pew pained woman in plain worship attire to pray the
Same, new day, of old hymn praises: repeated, sung, and 
Cried. No fanfare or vain gestures, her scripture reading
Clear; cane walk from the podium is slow and strained.
Unique; battle prepared. Devil afraid - the gray
Haired lady, top vet, frees captives and slaves this way.

- Gary Edward Geraci


  1. A tribute poem, written in an Asclepiad meter
    (LL, LSSL, LSSL, SL, where L = long syllable and S = short syllable), to the dear octogenarians, many suffering disabilities, whom I witness assisting at Mass, regardless where my travels may take me. May God abundantly shower them with even more grace!

  2. I like that. You have a way of noticing things in the ordinary actions of people.

  3. Thank you Robert for your read and comment.
