Friday, March 16, 2018

Inferno Cafe

Plastic spoons she’s dipping into
Gerber baby Lucas soft food jars; she’s dipping into.
A life of tithing ten percent,
Soaring spiritual reserves succeeding; he’s dipping into.
Parochial school kids playing
Drip-pity drip drop games of “duck, duck, goose;” while dipping into.
Family, do not be afraid;
A fervent studied faith with actions goes dipping into.
By our prayr’ful quiet witness,
Modern nation’s hard, hurt, frightful souls we’re dipping into.
Beards grown out like the Church Fathers,
Anointing balms and scented oils, we too are dipping into.
Silent sit-ins, society sees:
Scissors, suctions, squirming innocents while dipping into.
Breaking the ground and burying vice,
Heavy metal excavators, toothed buckets dipping into.
Deep Jordan, wet, salt water bowls,
Fonts, creeks, and hotel swimming pools the bless’d are dipping into.
The monstrosity of sin, drained,
Christ’s Body and blood, changed, mystically now all dipping into.
Time spent before the Bless’d Monstrance;
Supernaturally touching the time He is dipping into.
Off to Gary’s “Inferno Cafe”
Where the hard, chile con queso isn’t worth dipping into.
- Gary Edward Geraci


  1. A traditional, 12 stanza ghazal. The first four stanzas describe a familiy’s difficult but rewarding task of raising a Down Syndrome baby. The next four stanzas describe the slow, cultural conversion of the abortion mindset. The last three out of four stanzas describe Christ’s redemptive work in the process through his Sacraments and Church and the last stanza is the poet’s signature; himself a sinner.

  2. Now that said, for an immediate, heartwarming consolation, one that can only come from God Himself, google “Gerber baby Lucas”. Thank you Lord for you provide for our every need!
