Saturday, March 10, 2018

“To Speak of Joy That Is in Marriage”

Dedicated to the memory of Mr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Motloch Sr. and their seventy years of marriage.

“Grace, a stile to style a climb over miles of barbed wire
Fence. A small child’s smile for a stable safe home envir’
Ment. A Sacrament meant to bind for life
One man, one woman; a husband and wife;
The root nuclear cell of society.
‘Tis true, red blooded priests dwell in chastity,
‘Cause Christ first loved the Church, a splendid bride.
With tongue, a tungsten vow now ratified,
Ephesians five, the guild and guide: to live,
To love, abide; one flesh, a gift to give.

Break Satan’s attacks and attempts to tempt,
Seventy years later the pope has sent
God’s blessings, parchment plaques - long love lived well,
Demons and devils, damned, destined to hell.”

- Gary Edward Geraci 

1 comment:

  1. My response to the poem “To Speak of Woe That Is in Marriage” by American poet Mr. Robert Lowell. I write this in memory of a home bound couple I ministered Holy Communion to. They had recently received a new parchment plaque from the Vatican, signed by Pope Francis, to commemorate their seventy years of marriage. All glory to God, the possibility and actuality of grace filled, indissoluble marriages exists.
