Sunday, July 1, 2018

Miss Stockholm

Barren trees loom along these highway pastures,
Curled and knurled, knots of fruitless branch mass,
Laid to waste in open fields of grass and prickly cactus;
Entangled plastic, decaying bags blowing apart, caught.

Twisting and insisting for thirty years.
Your form was the ideal, the idol, the standard.
Yet one that one couldn’t quite come to grasp.
“Miss Stockholm” both a syndrome and a sin

Whom could do no wrong even as she did
Every kind of wrong. Yet I idolized, one after the other;
Many pretty faces funneled into 
Pools of turbid, muddy water; merely a poor

Reflection of that which I could only hope
To possess in the infinite eternity of heaven.
Lord show me! Lord help me! Lord lead me!
You! The author of authentic Love; take me to something

Crystal clear and pure; more than the myriad 
Counterfeit phantasms; feint illusions now laying arid 
This empty wasteland where furrowed and fertile fields 
Were meant to multiply and stretch skyward; watered in Love.

-Gary Edward Geraci

1 comment:

  1. “Miss Stockholm” is written in line with the teachings of Mr. Christopher West whom has made it his life mission to spread JPII’s seminal work “Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body”; particularly Mr. West’s book “Fill These Hearts: God, Sex, and the Universal Longing.” Miss Stockholm is a metaphor for the modern day, progressive and radical feminist that many young men will meet today; women following sub-human ideologies for the false freedoms and liberation they promise. Many naive and not so naive men will fall into numerous relationships with these women becoming complicit in the sins of cohabitation and later, suffering the heartbreak from the breaking of the natural bond formed outside of permanent marriage. “Stockholm Syndrome” is a genuine psychological ailment suffered when the captive starts to develop feelings for his captor. Note the role reversal here - society usually deems the woman as the likely victim of such abuse. Here, it is a man whom has come to idolize this form of “liberated” women as the highest good the world has to offer. The toll; his soul has become barren and loveless. His only hope is this sense of something greater that he holds out for: the love that he will one day share through permanent, sacramental marriage, a chaste single life, or a vocation to the priesthood. These themselves of course pointing to the highest order of love: the infinite eternal love of God in heaven.
