Saturday, September 22, 2018

Blown Away

i can’t make this veil i see into something other than a veil
i don’t jump up and down either upon learning about what’s really under it
but i’m blown away in awe none-the-less

Gary Edward Geraci

This Binding Cocoon

My worldview befits
the closed-in deadness of a
cocoon; safe and self-
satisfied; bereft of the
keys to blinding mysteries.

-Gary Edward Geraci

Silk Cocoons

Jubilant for me
(and you!) to light a single
silk thread of that which
enclosed you, fuse fired, to set
you loose so we might fly free.

-Gary Edward Geraci

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Nasty Nihilism

a zero-sum game?
what lies beyond is the risk
Love IS or isn’t 

Gary Edward Geraci

Large Mirror in the Hall

Pause, gaze and reflect! This youthful image! (Can it be? Is is true?)
Putrid masks shed - - squalid seas of stupor sink,
Gauzed wounds of sin now healed - - each ache and pain sold for penny scars of vices;
A free man’s posture, poise and joy,
Poisoned past with penance, tempered waist with fasting, waste trimmed, and chaste,
Plan of life to live daily, Adoration, self-oblation,
Temptation tried; live, liberated constitution,
Man, mindful of mystery - - stately, sturdy, fit;
Wise with words of wisdom, withstanding
Fads of passing fancy - - friends, stable family;

Clean, that clouded glass a ghastly image of the past,
Clean you’ve died to self - - and the self you see is Christ!

Gary Edward Geraci

“It’s now no longer I that live but Christ lives in me.” Galatians 2:20

Sunday, September 9, 2018

In the Beginning

Twasn’t political 
When God formed earth - brought man forth
To subdue the world

-Gary Edward Geraci

Genesis 1:28

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Love for Love

Bulbous beads of molten solder
The creature’s tears well up
As if surging forth from a path
Of struck heart. Bits of moist chill
Filling across the lower lash
Both blurry and heavy; heavy and blurry
Until gravity grabs and free falls 
And splashes the cheek;
A shining slug trail streaking its
Descent; healing, healing though is saved.
The cool stripes on its face,
A signature recompense for
The beaten and lashed; the bitter, bloody,
Burning, raw stripes - and felt
By His Most Sacred Heart.

  • Gary Edward Geraci 

Spanish Mass

I’m a poet
not an ascetic 
prone to pray
but not to delay
the gratification 
of light and wind
combing a spring garden
in a placid sway 

- Gary Edward Geraci