Saturday, September 22, 2018

This Binding Cocoon

My worldview befits
the closed-in deadness of a
cocoon; safe and self-
satisfied; bereft of the
keys to blinding mysteries.

-Gary Edward Geraci

1 comment:

  1. The “Cocoon” Tankas

    Here is my original stream of thought in it’s entirety:

    ‘Your worldview befits the closed-ended-ness of a cocoon safe and self-satisfied but befret of the keys to the great mysteries. Oh it pains me to see you languish here mate! How jubilant for me (and you) to light a single silk thread of that which encloses you so as to set you free so that we, staying the course, could run together forever.”

    So, in the final act, I created two, 5-7-5-7-7 Tankas, releasing the sequel “Silk Cocoons” first and then the prequel “This Binding Cocoon” second. Such is poetic license when one goes about ‘wordsmithing’!
