Saturday, July 29, 2023



Wherever I go,

Your Sacraments, I do find

Everywhere, my Lord!

Gary Edward Geraci

1 comment:

  1. My wife Jessica and I have become ‘weekend travelers’ of sorts. Every other weekend, we take our travel trailer to a Texas State Park and camp, relax, meet new people, and (for me ) find inspiration for a new poem. One of the great joys for us, once we’ve established camp Friday evening, is to locate a nearby Catholic Church (I’ll use the app at where we can participate in a Saturday evening, Vigil Mass. The Mass is the center and summit of every trip and we’ve taken over 30 of them and God willing, we’ll take many more. I share these experiences to witness and offer testimony: the Catholic congregations are out there in numbers and indeed, the beautiful Sacraments that our Lord has established are, and His real presence in the Holy Eucharist, is EVERYWHERE.
