My wife Jessica and I have become ‘weekend travelers’ of sorts. Every other weekend, we take our travel trailer to a Texas State Park and camp, relax, meet new people, and (for me ) find inspiration for a new poem. One of the great joys for us, once we’ve established camp Friday evening, is to locate a nearby Catholic Church (I’ll use the app at where we can participate in a Saturday evening, Vigil Mass. The Mass is the center and summit of every trip and we’ve taken over 30 of them and God willing, we’ll take many more. I share these experiences to witness and offer testimony: the Catholic congregations are out there in numbers and indeed, the beautiful Sacraments that our Lord has established are, and His real presence in the Holy Eucharist, is EVERYWHERE.
My wife Jessica and I have become ‘weekend travelers’ of sorts. Every other weekend, we take our travel trailer to a Texas State Park and camp, relax, meet new people, and (for me ) find inspiration for a new poem. One of the great joys for us, once we’ve established camp Friday evening, is to locate a nearby Catholic Church (I’ll use the app at where we can participate in a Saturday evening, Vigil Mass. The Mass is the center and summit of every trip and we’ve taken over 30 of them and God willing, we’ll take many more. I share these experiences to witness and offer testimony: the Catholic congregations are out there in numbers and indeed, the beautiful Sacraments that our Lord has established are, and His real presence in the Holy Eucharist, is EVERYWHERE.