Friday, August 4, 2023

Free to Ride


I am not good at

Closing down chapters;

There’s a sad pang, donating.

Closing open doors,

I gave up two bikes.

Inflated the flat tires,

Dreamt of round wind roads still to ride:

Paid for two new young riders.

His sandals were worn.

One tunic He wore.

Christ in love, not turned to things,

One with the Father;

His life spent for man.

I did not have to be,

My creation is God’s high boast:

A donation set me free.

Gary Edward Geraci


  1. For fun, hopefully no one objects, I’d like to show you a new format of poetry that I’ve come up with in “Free to Ride.”

    I am calling the new format a ‘social shot.’

    I’ve designed the social shot format to inject poetry, explicitly religious in character, into the contemporary culture (that may or may not be suffering from a lack of religious foundation - may God be the judge).

    It is designed to be short, just two stanzas, eight lines each, to appeal to the shortened, social media attention spans (and text limits) of our times.

    Regarding the continuity of subject matter - let’s just say there can be a strong or loosely related continuity or no continuity at all within or between the two stanzas (allowing for the mystical and transcendental work of one’s muse).

    The format of each stanza is identical and should consist of identical, first words in the first and fifth lines and a new set of identical first words in the second and third lines. An end or near rhyme should occur at the last word in the sixth and eighth lines.

    Finally, the syllable count for each line will be as follows:

    line one and two, 5 syllables,
    line three, 7 syllables,
    lines four and five, 5 syllables,
    line six, 6 syllables,
    line seven, 7 or 8 syllables,
    and line eight, 7 syllables.

    There it is! I hope to experiment with this new format in future poems. Feel free to write a few of your own in this format and let me know what you think! For another example poem written in this format please see “No Go-Carts in Hell”.

  2. Correction: a new set of identical first words in the second and FOURTH lines.
